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A Dessert of Ashes

Posted on Wed Aug 31st, 2022 @ 4:29am by Captain Devin Hadenbeer

436 words; about a 2 minute read

Devin heard the door chime, she closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. The door chimed again.

And again.

And ag-

“Come!” she snapped. Odds were fifty fifty that it would be Dare or-

Jones paused in the doorway and took in the dim quarters. He took a breath.

“It was a mistake, bringing him on board.” He said.

“I am beginning to see that now,” Devin replied quietly, “Although now for different reasons.”

“If we told him…”

Devin shook her head, “What, an make him as culpable as us? After he worked so hard to regain his honor, his position?”

That man,” Jones pointed towards the door, “Is where he is now because you called in favors. He owes you! And now is going to conspire-“

“A harsh word.”

“-to bring you down. He is going to help R’elle and Junix destroy you!”

“I am doing that quite well on my own, Jones. You knew sooner or later they were going to come for me. It is just…sooner than we expected, that’s all.”

She took a breath, “Did you know? About the books, I mean.”

“The first four novels? Yes. This detective story surprised me as much as you. I…am sorry for not telling you, but…”

Devin shook her head and smiled sadly, “I can only imagine how difficult it has been for you, caught in between as you are. Like me you have done your best and I am truly grateful, Jones.” She regarded him soberly, kindly, “For everything through the years.”

She slowly stood and sighed, “Gods, it’s like dealing with a rebellious teenager. Thinks they know everything, that they are immortal and invulnerable. Thing is, I should have seen this coming. How is Dare?”

“Frightened,” Jones replied frankly, “She is well and truly worried about you, Devin. As am I.”

“I will speak to her tomorrow, allay her fears, assure her everything will be fine. I don’t have to fool her for very long. Now, if you will excuse me, Mister Jones…”


“…I beg your pardon?”

“My name. It is Irving,” he smiled slightly, “I am sorry if it irreparably damages my mystique, but, well, we’ve known one another for thirty years and, well…”

“Thank you, Irving,” Devin replied quietly, “I promise your secret is safe with me.”

Jones’ smile grew, “Now that, Devin, I never doubted for a moment. Now practice your game face for tomorrow; neither Klarth or R’elle should see how worried you are.”

“Worried? Irving, I have been to hell and back. Nothing those two do can frighten me…”


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