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Posted on Wed Mar 2nd, 2022 @ 6:04am by Lieutenant JG Alia Fitzgerald & Captain Devin Hadenbeer & Lieutenant Commander Ull Arkyn & Lieutenant Commander R'elle & Lieutenant Commander Klarth
Edited on on Sat Mar 12th, 2022 @ 4:24pm

1,880 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Into The Void
Location: Astrometrics
Timeline: est one week after departure

OOC: With Jenn's status uncertain I figure the reunion between her and Klarth can be downplayed, perhaps with them deciding to catch up with one another later in a joint post? But if Jenn is able to fully participate I'm all for the pair gushing over one another. :)


Captain Hadenbeer could not be "caged" for long but apparently she had decided to stay put for the senior staff who had been in the conference room to find her in Astrometrics. Those found a burly Klingon male in a Starfleet uniform with a teal collar, and Alia in a space suit. There was also Captain Hadenbeer seated in the lone chair with a cello, with ensign Hadenbeer scowling at her as the commanding officer was attempting scales...and judging by the sour notes, failing. Neither Hadenbeer were wearing their uniform jackets.

"It is not a giant violin!" the ensign snapped, "Hold the bow gently!"

"Why are you so mean?" the captain replied almost plaintively, still struggling to maintain more than three clear notes in a row.

Sheppard winces at the sounds.

Dare grimaced and replied, "Because someone woke me up at oh five hundred for a cello lesson."

The captain paused in her playing, "...Oh. I...can see how that might be inimical to one's mood." she saw the others arrive and brightened, "Ah, lesson over! Come in! This," she waved the bow at the Klingon, "Is Doctor Klarth, who arrived very early this morning. And Alia here is suffering from, well, whatever it is the Doctor felt it warranted her wearing the suit to prevent the rest of us contracting it. There was an incident this morning; I was awake and I informed the third shift not to bother all of you. Those departments affected will be briefed."

Alia nodded, though most couldn't see the gesture. "I hope this won't affect my performance. The amelioratives Doctor Klarth prescribed have all but eliminated any symptoms." She looked much more determined than frustrated and that, at least, came through in her voice.

The ensign accepted the bow and began packing up the cello, the captain said, "So, which of you solved the riddle?"

"That my dear Captain, would be the intelligent Command Qetzal! Our XO figured out it was Astrometrics!" R'elle said. She looked over to the Doctor. "Doctor Klarth. I'm councilor R'elle. Welcome aboard." She extended her hand to shake his.

"Nice to meet you," said Klarth. "I hope that we will work well together. I'll patch folks up and send them over to you to talk about...their feelings," he said the last two words as if they were dirty words.

R'elle chuckled. Many people still held that sentiment. Counseling wasn't just about feelings, it was about psychological well-being. However, she merely said, "I think we will doctor!"

Junix locked her jaw at the counselor's bubbling praise and attempted to keep her expression neutral. Before leaving the briefing room, she had allowed the gravity and system controls to resume within the lab. She linked her hands behind her back. "Technically, the computer found you - or the lack of you," Junix amended.

"The first place you checked was Astrometrics," Devin replied with a slight smile, "I know because I was keeping tabs on your progress. In case you were wondering, it was not a waste of time. At least, not to me."

Sheppard is about to mention that the first place they checked was her ready room, but decides to keep quiet.

Dare had finished packing and was now donning her jacket, "Permission to take my leave, Captain?"

"Only after you change your expression, ensign Frowny-Face."

Dare's attempt to maintain her scowl crumbled and a reluctant smile crossed her face. She turned to leave, cello case in hand.

Klarth said to the Ensign, "Ensign Dare, I need to talk to you about something, do you have a few minutes later today?"

Dare was about to say 'no', but when a staff officer-especially one in charge of the department where she really wanted to work-asked for a few minutes of your time, the only response was...

"Of course," Dare replied, her sleep deprived brain attempting to work through her all-too-busy schedule. The only thing she could think of was...

"Maybe...lunch?" she hazarded, "Twelve hundred hours?"

Nodding, Dare made an exit before any more senior officers could find something more for her to do.

The captain had barely noticed turned in her seat and began manipulating controls.

When he sees Mell 'Una Klarth gets a broad smile and says "Captain, are you aware that this little officer is a born warrior. He goes over to Mell and smiles. "It is wonderful to see you again" he says. Then he looks at the captain and says "This little one and I defeated some pirates together. You are very smart to have her on board."

Dare spun around in her chair, a look of surprise on her face, "...You two know one another? That is...unexpected..."


My eyes widened as recognition finally dawned. Weeks ago I had seen this Klingon in full battle gear, his face covered in soot and blood, a far more savage smile upon his face. This almost...civilized person had been a stranger to me until now.

"Yes," I replied, smiling at the Captain's curious discomfiture, "We had quite an adventure together."


Devin cleared her throat and gave a cut nod, "Yes, well, I am happy for your reunion," she turned to the control panel, "I decided to have the meeting down here because frankly I hate the conference room and I wanted to take full advantage of the facilities here..."

A map of the border shared by Federation, Klingon and Romulan space appeared, Hadenbeer zoomed in.

Sheppard steps forward to observe, highly interested in their destination.

"This area used to be known as The Triangle," she explained, "A contested area of space mostly settled by loners, people who did not want to live under the authority of the Federation, scoundrels and the like. An uneasy peace was maintained between the Federation, Klingons and Romulans, with the lattermost withdrawing soon after the events of the Khitomer massacre. Even today the worlds there show a decided stubborn streak."

Hadenbeer continued to zoom in to what looked like an uneven patch of darkness, "This is the area of interest to us. This curious phenomena had been a bit of a puzzle for decades. It is not quite a nebula and it seems to absorb all light and other energy that comes into contact with it. It is known as the Takakazu Void. At it's widest point it measures some one trillion kilometers. All efforts to study the interior of the Void have met with failure; all ships and probes that have entered have never come out."

She turned and regarded her staff, and she smiled.

"One month ago a probe exited the void. It was of relatively primitive manufacture, employing a fusion engine powering thrusters as well as a solar sail. It was utterly devoid of power. On board its computer system was wiped, possibly by the void itself. But apparently those who sent the probe anticipated this because in a compartment on the probe was a book whose pages were made of stainless steel. Once translated we learned quite a bit."

“What did we find out?” Sheppard asks, keenly interested.

Devin stated, "There are civilizations living in the void, and at least one of them has reached out to request aid. And our mission is to go in, make an assessment and act."

"Fascinating!" R'elle said. "First contact in the void! This is going interesting! I am very curious what we will find in there!! Solar sails and a fusion engine."

"Fascinating? The Captain said technology doesn't work within the Void and our ship is loaded with technology. We aren't planning to take the entire ship in, are we?" incredulous, Qetzal looked between the map and the crew.

Alia was rather unfetchingly attired in an encounter suit as if she were prepping to enter the Void solo rather than in any sort of craft. The suit took a the slender officer and made her both bulkier AND taller... something she was not used to at all. "It's possible that a minimal warp bubble without engaging the warp drive can be used in a pinch. Since the bubble creates its own mini-universe inside, we can keep that as a backup. Not that we'd likely be able to do anything other than that so it's definitely a last resort."


Ull looked around at the gathered group. "Do we know that technology doesn't work within the void, or is it that the void acts as a sort of emp and disables whatever enters, or leaves, it? This probe had components that would have had to of worked inside the void, in order to get out of it."

"Excellent questions," Devin replied, "The probe exited at a relatively low velocity, which suggests the properties of the void allows matter to enter and exit freely. The probe itself is proof that at least some technologies do function within."

She turned to the XO, "As for taking in the ship, it would be...imprudent to do so without a clear plan. I am not planning on recklessly entering this region of space without some strategy in mind."

Ull looked up after contemplating a moment. "We could send in a shuttle with a small security squad, in case something happens. Give them orders just to enter and then attempt to exit the void."

Alia nodded and then realized it would be hard to see the motion inside of the bulky helmet and triggered the com instead. "Surely, someone from science should go as well even if for a brief visit. A trained mind and a tricorder can be of a lot of use when facing the unknown. Other than that, I think the idea has merit."


After the briefing. Klarth slaps some crewmates backs and says "This sounds like it will be a adventure worthy of this fine crew!"

Klarth pulls Ull Arkyn aside and tells him. "Commander, I have several cases that seem to be intersecting your department. Do you have time for a meeting after this? The first case is young Alia's, the second is the practical joker, and the third is of a personal nature."

"Yes, it's been ah-ah-ah-choo! Sorry, been ODD." Alia sniffed and was impressed at how good the encounter suit was at cleaning up... stuff... even from the inside.

Ull looked at Klarth. "Of course, Lieutenant, as soon as this is over we can have our own meeting."

R'elle did wonder who was this practical joker? How did they get their jokes to work. And why? this was something that caught her interest. She would have to look into it.

"About that joker... it seems a bit too whimsical to be a member of the crew. But that raises rather more disturbing questions. I'm glad the jokes have not been harmful but it's still odd enough that spending some time on it seems best." Alia gestured toward the ship but was turned slightly away so her expression couldn't be seen easily.


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