Lieutenant JG Cathcart

Name Cathcart

Position Assistant Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 65

Physical Appearance

Height 183 cm
Weight 77 kg
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Cathcart is an older man who is close to retirement. He is very tall and very thin.


Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses +Brilliant mind
+Years of experience at job
-Does not want to leave his office.
Cathcart keeps threatening to retire but he has not and may never actually retire
Hobbies & Interests Carthcart does his job. If he has hobbies the crew has never found out about any of them.

Personal History Once upon a time Cathcart was a model officer. There are many medals of valor in his Starfleet record. But as he has gotten closer and closer to retirement he has become more and more eccentric. No one knows why but he rarely (possibly never) leaves his office but does such a great job at running the Operations Department from there that no one ever questions it.