First test of the Engineering crew
Posted on Wed Dec 8th, 2021 @ 2:09pm by Lieutenant Commander Dorian Sheppard
129 words; about a 1 minute read
pop! click-buzz hisss…
Klaxons blare and sparks waterfall down from a blown panel above, falling on Chief Engineer Sheppard’s shoulders where he’s hunched over a display monitor.
“Dupree, reroute secondary outputs for decks 7 and 8. O’Malley, bypass the flow control and get Sickbay 2 back online,” Sheppard directs.
Tapping his communicator, he asks, “How’s that circuit reset coming, Ensign Shahazz?”
“Computer, freeze program,” Sheppard commands, and the horn goes silent, sparks stopping mid-air.
“Security override Sheppard - Omicron - 7 - 6.”
He touches an icon on the display screen and ticks two boxes. “Try it now,” he comms.
“Computer, resume program,” Sheppard states, and the chaos resumes.
Tags: Engineering, Sheppard, Shahazz, Dupree, O’Malley