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Junix's Inquiries

Posted on Wed Aug 31st, 2022 @ 3:29am by

819 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Into The Void
Location: bridge and conference room

Walking onto the bridge, Junix looked over to the science station where the shortest crew member was busy at her station. She announced herself with a stiffled sneeze on her approach. "Lieutenant," Junix addressed the grey officer, "can I meet with you in the briefing room for a few minutes?"

Mell'a had just settled her grav platform back in place when Commander Junix had approached her with the request. The diminutive officer cocked her head and glanced about the bridge.

"Ensign Jun," she called out, "Today is your lucky day: you have the bridge."

"The gods help us all," Mell'a muttered as she floated the platform to the conference room. Once inside she hopped off the platform and onto the table, and resting on her hind legs regarded the Commander.

"Well, Commander, if you are plotting a mutiny then I call dibs on the executive officer position," she scratched her right ear with her paw, "I will settle for nothing less..."

Junix raised a brow, "No, that is not in the works," she paused. Then asked, "Do Hadenbeer's executive officer often plan mutinies?"

"Not that I've heard," Mell'a replied after a thoughtful moment, "But Hadenbeer herself? There are stories about how she got command of this ship."

A graceful shrug of her cat-like shoulders, then the diminutive science officer continued, "I take it there's something you didn't want the kids to overhear. What's on your mind, sir?"

"Actually, it's about overhearing things," Junix admitted. "Word is, there may be some ghostly voices that are advising the Captain. I was wondering if you've heard anything similar?"

"...No," Mell'a replied after a moment, "If it was telepathy other telepaths would have heard it. If it was some form of schizophrenia you would think someone at Starfleet would have noticed by now. I know the doctor is her friend but if the captain were mentally ill he would be the first person to relieve her of command if he thought she was a danger to herself or the ship."

Mell'a rubbed her nose, "Only thing I could think of is, seems a little silly to contemplate. I mean, I don't know why the captain would have one..."

"I want to hear silly at this point," Junix prompted. And triggered by the science officer's nose rub, Junix rubbed her own face, then sneezed. "Please, any theories are important."

"If it is not mental illness or telepathy then the captain may have a subcutaneous transponder," she tapped her right ear, "implanted on her person. It's not commonly done but it is for undercover work, or if an away team can't be seen using communicators in a primitive cultural environment. And if someone on board was speaking to her I doubt if we could pick up the transmission. Every piece of equipment is communicating with the ship's computer: communicators, tricorders, advanced tools. The signal could be so slight and quiet you would probably need a tricorder pointed at the captain's head to pick it up."

Mell'a cocked her head, "But who would secretly be speaking with the captain? And about what?"

"She seems to have some insights on the shuttle attack," Junix suggested. "What do you know about the barkeep?"

"Jones? He's served on every ship the captain has, follows her around everywhere. I am not exaggerating. Every assignment she's had, Jones has been on the same ship or planet since she was a newly minted ensign. He is retired and what does he do? Opts to run the bar. On her ship."

"As for his past, like his past before he met the captain, there are rumors. Lots of rumors."

"Rumors of being an Intel handler?" Junix suggested.

"All kinds. Starfleet Intelligence, Merchant Marine. One person suggested he was the captain's uncle or grandfather or something. I mean it is weird. A master chief just...choosing an ensign at random and adopting them like a pet or something?"

Junix smiled slightly at the cat talking about adopting pets. "Is there anyone else you would suspect of being capable of running such communications?"

Mell'a's posture became more erect, "Wait, you think Jones is sitting down in his pub...hacking into the bridge feed and giving the captain advice? That's...well, all right, it's not a bad theory. I suppose we would have to ask around to see if anyone was in the pub at the time of the incident to see if they saw what Jones was up to. Other than, well, the practical joker I can't think of another culprit."

"Well, keep your ears open. I'm concerned that the Captain isn't giving her crew the information we need to function safely." Junix explained. "You'll let me know if you hear anything?" Though it was phrased as a question, it was more of a command.

Mell'a cocked her head, "I understand, Commander."

As Junix departed the conference room Mell'a muttered, "I think..."



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