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Mind Games (Highlights - Interrogation - yr 2385)

Posted on Sat Jan 21st, 2023 @ 7:22am by Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell

4,485 words; about a 22 minute read

Uhlan Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Romulus - Ki Baratan - Hall of State - Portico - 2385]

His father's disappointing look haunted him long after Talen left. For a moment he thought of trying to explain his decision... yet again but knew that his words would make no impact on the staunch politician that was his father.

The fight between Kenakh and he had been observed and all too soon there were other Imperial guards surrounding him ordering him face down or they would shoot. Disruptors leveled at him. Rayek complied, calling out that he had authority via the Tal'Shiar to bring in the Imperial Guardsman Kehakh and that the man resisted arrest. It took two minutes for someone... perhaps Vandar... to confirm his position with the Tal'Shiar to the questioning Guardsman.

Afterwards, he was assisted in bringing Kehakh to the waiting hovercar. Inside there was another operative - one that Rayek vaguely recognized from seeing him around the base during his first months training. Neither spoke as the other left the Hall of State and headed towards the Tal'Shiar complex.

[Romulus - Ki Baratan - Tal'Shiar compound - Interrogation Cells - 2385]
Arriving there, Rayek was silently assisted by the other operative in bringing Kehakh to 'the cells'. Or more specifically the Interrogation Cells.

Once within Rayek patted down the guardsman's clothing, finding two other shiv's on his person in doing so. The other operative gave Rayek a reprimanding glare that he hadn't checked the traitor for weapons prior. Following the pat down, the guardsman was scanned for any known toxins. It was common practice among the military to carry felodesine chips or other poison capsules secreted either in teeth or under the skin someplace to end one's life in case of capture by enemies. 

They found the chip under a flap of false skin on the man's forearm. Rayek had his secreted as a capsule in a false molar. Removing the chip, they then set the man into the interrogation chair.

Once secured, Rayek used an adrenaline shot to wake the guardsman in preparation for Vandar's anticipated arrival.

At first Kenakh was a little disoriented. His eyes fluttered open as he tried to move, but he was topped by the restraints. He needed a moment to realize what had happened and to realize where he was now. His glance fell on the familiar face of Rayek and instantly the memory came back. Kenakh glanced around and his face turned into a grimace of contempt and grim determination. "Why are you detaining me here?", he raved. Better let them know right away that he wasn't afraid of them. "I belong to the Imperial Guard! If the Praetor hears about this he'll have you both executed publicly!"

Rayek listened to the rant and raving of the captured and bound Imperial Guard, Kenahk. The man's threat earned a slight smirk from the young Tal'Shiar operative. For a moment Rayek was tempted to reply back that his orders came direct from the Praetor's mouth - but that was a lie... Kenakh's arrest was on the order of Vandar who was the mouthpiece of the Praetor, but not the Praetor himself. Plus giving away information was not what a good Tal'Shiar operative did. They gathered information; uncovered it; rooted out the corruption amidst their own people for the good of the Empire.

Interrogation was just one means of digging up that information. And tool of interrogation was the Mind Probe. The helm attached to the back of the chair that Kenahk was bound to was one such Mind Probe device. While Rayek's culture seemed to have a pathological fear/hatred for those with telepathic ability, the Tal'Shiar had no qualms about creating a device capable of delving in to the thoughts and memories of individuals who they felt were hiding traitorous activity. It recorded incriminating memories of the individual wearing the helmet. Rayek of course was both intrigued and somewhat appalled at this. 

By rumored accounts the device was extremely painful and if fought against very damaging. The Mind Probe had been in use over 100 yrs with very little change to it's basic design and function. Rayek found that fact very telling about his people - they were static and unchanging. Rayek suspected that if plans for a device would be leaked to the Federation, the humans and their allies easily would come up with a similar device that would be far more accurate at reading memories and do so without injuring the subject. He found them very adaptable. It was a quality he admired and tried to emulate discreetly.

Kenahk continued to try and bluster his way to freedom. 

His bluster faltered for a moment when Vandar arrived, displaying his disrupter. But then started up again, this time being directed to the superior. Rayek looked over towards Vandar but the man's expression was unreadable. He couldn't tell if the man was pleased with Rayek's arrest of the man or not.

As Vandar remained silent, standing back by the door, Rayek took that as an indication that he wanted Rayek to do the interrogation. His first. Rayek turned back to Kenahk and focused his attention on the man - pushing into his mind to verify the truth of what he answered.

"Imperial Guard Kenahk, you have been implicated as a traitor to the Empire, in a plot to assassinate the Praetor. I will give you this one opportunity to cooperate and voluntarily answer our questions. If you refuse the Mind Probe will be use to extract the information we desire. Will you cooperate?" Rayek questioned in a stern voice.

"I am not a traitor", Kenakh finally spoke, his voice rumbling with the fury he still felt inside. "I only did what I thought was best for our people and the Empire, always have!" He neither confirmed nor denied being involved in a plot to assassinate the Preator. Of course he thought it might be a possibility to get away with it, since he was unaware that Rayek was able to read his mind.

Rayek remained unmoving, standing just ahead and to the side of their captive, as the Imperial Guard tried to claim that he was not a traitor. It was appalling to the uhlan that the man could feel so justified in their plan to assassinate the elected Praetor. It wasn't like the Praetor was a unaccountable dictator. He wasn't - he was elected by the people to represent them. If Kenahk and Lolir had a problem with the way things were then it was the general society they needed to change, not assassinate its figurehead. At least that's how Rayek viewed it.

"Plotting the assassination of our Praetor under the guise of what is best for the Empire is the ultimate in arrogance. Who are you to believe you know better than the people themselves?" Rayek answered back darkly, before pressing the Guard for information. "Tell us of the multiple assassins Lolir has in place. If you cooperate things will go much easier on you. If your information aligns with what we've extracted from Lolir himself, leniency may an option. Answer and speak true. How many are involved and give me their names."

"If I cooperate ... what will await me?", he asked finally.

Rayek could read every thought passing through the Imperial Guardsman's mind. That such a man had been permitted into the Imperial Guard was appalling to the uhlan.

"I would be more concerned as to what awaits you should you NOT cooperate." Rayek answered back snidely and began powering up the mind probe unit as both an intimidation tactic and practical exercise since the man was being difficult. 

The Romulan telepath had been taught by the Reman that when interrogating a person it was best to ask specific questions - that way even if they didn't answer it, they would at least think about the subject, which you could then read from their mind. Kenahk, though specifically asked about names, hadn't had a single thought about the others in the group. He seemed wholly self-centered.... or experienced in evading mind-reading.

"You haven't given me names of your co-conspirators like I asked - so I'm going to assume you are choosing not to cooperate," he stated and began strapping Kenakh's head in place with the strapping attached to the back of the head rest.

Kenakh registered with not a small amount of horror that his interrogator was powering up the mind probe and began strapping his head to the chair. Oh how much he wished for Lutal, Kulair and Sinsar to be in this place instead of him! Why him! "I will cooperate!", the man burst out with apparent anger, but there might also be a little bit of panic at Rayek's actions coloring his voice. "But surely you know that no information comes with a price." He was being quite bold. "If you guarantee exemption from punishment for me ... I will give you more information that this thing will ever filter out."

Kenakh held Rayek's gaze, determination showing on his face now. But that really didn't do much to improve the coward pathetic impression the man made.

Vandar had watched silently the whole time. He couldn't feel anything else than disdain about their prisoner. He noticed with a straight faice as Rayek powered up the mind probe and strapped the man's face to the chair. His attention then was fully on Rayek, curious how the newbie would handle this situation.

Rayek picked up on the names provided in Kenakh's thoughts.

At the burst of boldness and anger, Rayek gave a sneer. "We guarantee nothing, traitor! Other than your secrets will be ours. By cooperation or force is your only choice. Now tell us about your co-conspirators. Tell us about Lutal and the others... Kulair... Sinsar. Are there others Lolir hasn't spoke of?"

Rayek made sure to imply that it was Lolir that had given up the names to keep the man's mind open. This should also lessen the man's loyalty to the leader and make him more apt to volunteer the information.

"Where can we find the others? When is the first attempt to be made? Speak now! Or I swear I will make this as painful and damaging a process as possible." he threatened with as fierce an expression as possible - which wasn't all the hard to portray given how he felt about the traitor. That there were those that would endanger the civil peace their society had with assassination was vile!

His expression of fury turned into one of surprised he wasn't really able to hide when the Uhlan started to list off the names he just had been thinking about. Then it dawned on him - Lolir had been telling their names.

What use was there to cover him any longer? "There is no need to use your machine on me", Kenakh said, defeated. He looked up into Rayek's eyes. "I will speak."

"The names you know of are all of our little cell. We set up four target locations we knew the Praetor often could be found. Due to my position in the Imperial Guard I was near the Hall of State almost every day. The line of our attacks was about to start tomorrow night. My plan was to fire an explosive device in the foyer of the Halle of State tomorrow after the meeting of the Senate."

Kenakh now dropped his gaze before he continued speaking. "Lutal was stationed near the Praetor's home. He's an excellent sharp shooter. Kulair managed to prepare the Praetor's vehicle with a trilithium resin compound bomb. He modified the bomb in a way that he was able to trigger the explosion remotely by mechanically removing the stabilizing rod." Trilithium was highly volatile and would likely have gone off almost immediately after triggering the mechanism. 

"Sinsar was our backup to chase the Praetor if all three of our plans would have failed." He looked up again, eying Rayek. "By the elements, this is all I know."

Vandar had watched and listened unmoving the whole time. However, when Rayek suddenly mentioned four names his expression changed to something more alert than before. At first it seemed the Uhlan made his telepathic ability overly obvious he then witnessed how Rayek covered that with making it seem he had gotten the information from Lolir.

He hated to admit it, but the Uhlan was valuable for them. He saw that clearly now. They neutralized a whole cell of conspirators.
Drawing a small communications device from his belt he began forwarding the information they had gathered here over a secure channel to the Praetor directly, warning him to take extreme precautions to avoid getting into any of the traps.

Rayek listened to Kenakh speak true about the plans against the Praetor and glanced towards Vandar giving the Praetor's man a subtle nod to indicate that the information was truthful as far as Kenakh was aware. But that there was Rayek's main concern... Kenakh may not have been in the know of everything.

When the man ended his admission with the statement that that was all he knew, Rayek slowly nodded. "I believe you. Now my next question. Do you know where to find the others? Is there a place that you would meet? And what is the code word that would be used for such a meeting?"

The statement that the Uhlan believed him, relieved Kenakh. He observed the silent communication with the other Tal'Shiar man. Not knowing what that meant his nervousness spiked a little again.

At Rayek's questions, Kenakh shook his head. "I have no idea where the others can be found. We only met once a couple of months ago. That was in the poor district. Lolir did all the communicating with the others, I received my instructions only via electronic message." When Kenakh thought of that meeting in the poor district he thought of the very house Rayek had been when he met Lolir.

"I swear by the Elements this is the truth." He looked imploringly from Rayek to Vandar and back, hoping he might be allowed to go, now that he had told them everything he knew.

Rayek could pick up no other conspirator information even with all that Kenakh was thinking of at the moment. But the information gathered so far didn't help Rayek in his mission. He was supposed to determine the Senator's role. The Praetor wanted proof of treason. But that the Senator knew Lolir was not enough to accuse the powerful man of treason.

"Tell me what you know of Lolir's associations with members of the Senate."

The question had Kenakh look insecure. "I don't know of any associations", he replied a little too quick, for he then remembered something.

"Or well ... Lolir did inquire several times about one certain Senator - Tocul. Via message if course. Usually that was when the meetings were over and Lolir wanted to know if the Senator was s there or already on the way home." He glanced to Rayek. "As a guard stationed at the Hall of State it was easy for me to give information on that. That's why he asked me about it." Kenakh seemed to fear they wanted to use this against him.

"Once or twice he inquired the same about the Proconsul Talen", Kenakh shared. What he didn't share but what was prominent on his mind was that he believed Lolir had been looking for non-violent ways to achieve his goal.

That he pushed both Tocul and Talen into the light of being conspirators was clear to Kenakh but his own health was more important to him right now.

"I don't know why he inquired about them, I don't know if they met or anything", he added hastily.

Rayek smiled slightly, thinking he had the beginnings of a case against Senator Tocul when Kenakh remarked about Lolir inquiring about the man. Of course, the Praetor's Guard wasn't wrong to worry about his actions being incriminating. 

He was about to ask what Lolir used this information for when, Kenakh's thought gave Rayek a brief forewarning about his mentioning Senator Talen... but there wasn't enough time to act before the words were out. Rayek tried not to look shocked, but didn't doubt that Vandar would notice.

Fvadt... why would Lolir be interested in his father's schedule? 

Kenakh's own suspicions of that came to mind but the guard didn't speak them... no, Kenakh was purposefully hinting at their being part of the conspiracy. Rayek swallowed drily uncertain how he could trick the man into being honest about his impression about why Lolir contacted them. This did not look good for his father... and because of his father's involvement, Vandar would be suspicious of any information he claimed he picked up from Kenakh's mind that might exonerate his father.

"Senator Tocul and the Proconsul you say? Interesting. But their possible involvement won't save you - rather the opposite. Their position precludes us from using the mind probe on them - you have no such immunity. Now I have no choice but to dig through your memory for any possible collusion you might have heard from Lolir regarding those two."

There was no such immunity that Rayek was aware of he just needed the man to recant or qualify the real reason his father was contacted by Lolir.

When Rayek posed the threat of having no other chance but to use the mind probe on him now since he couldn't get the information from Senator Tocul or Proconsul Talen themselves due to some immunity their position guaranteed them, Kenakh's eyes widened in alarm. "I don't know of any collusions!", he protested, fear of the probe being used on him prominent on his mind. Fear not because he wanted to hide anything he knew - but because of Rayek's promise to make it as damaging and painful as possible if he didn't cooperate. "Lolir will know more about this than me, ask him! He was the one contacting them after all."

He looked at Rayek, his eyes glowing with desperation to convince him. "I have told you everything I know. If you are interested in my speculations too, you can have them." His voice was an imploring rumble now. "Proconsul Talen and Senator Tocul are reasonable men. They are respected by everyone. I assume Lolir wanted to try to achieve his goal without violence by persuading one or both of them and they using their power and influence to sway the Senate's goals. I don't know if Lolir met with either of them and if so where or how often or what they talked about, I swear this is the truth!"

Rayek wanted to believe Kenakh's interpretation but knew that even the suspicion of treason needed to be checked into. His father was not out of the 'hot seat' yet - might never be again. All because one man sought to speak with him. 

Rayek looked to the panicked Imperial guard who regarded him pleadingly. He nodded at the man's statement of telling the truth. The new Tal'Shiar turned to look at Vandar. The Praetor's man face was expressionless, and though he didn't try to read his thoughts, Rayek had no doubt they would be sealed tight.

"I believe he's told us all he's capable of telling us. Your orders?" Rayek knew what came next... but this way it wasn't him making the decision. Not him giving the order to destroy a man's mind - just so that Vandar could be certain Rayek hadn't lied about what he information he had gleaned. 

"Shall I have the guards switch the two prisoners and we can interrogate Lolir next?" Rayek hoped that by suggesting this he could get out of being witness to the mind probe being used.

Vandar looked back expressionless to Rayek as he asked for his orders. The information, that the telepath's own father - who filled a position that was nothing less but the most powerful after the Praetor - was involved in this conspiracy - even if it was just the suspicion of an involvement - rendered anything Rayek would tell him as having read on Kenakh's mind unreliable. Ironically Rayek himself had pressed on until this bit of information had been brought to light. That almost provoked a sneer to form on Vandar's face. Almost.

"I will see to Lolir's interrogation myself." That was as good as a slap in the face of the new Tal'Shiar operative and a clear demonstration of Vandar's distrust towards the telepath. He would have no problem to explain the reason to the Praetor. He now even had a valid reason to express to Chulan that by the involvement of his father, Rayek now had become an incalculable risk. Perhaps Vandar would get the satisfaction of destroying the telepath after all.

As Rayek continued to speak, it seemed he wanted to end Kenakh's interrogation as quick as possible. Was he fearing he might use the mind probe and find things he tried to defraud? Not with him.

"Unfortunately I'm not quite satisfied yet. There got to be more." Diverting his glare from Rayek he glanced over to the couple of guards who were standing near the door and had held themselves in the background the whole time. Vandar only gave a short nod which prompted them to move towards the chair Kenakh was sitting on.

"But ... it is true", the prisoner reaffirmed, panic filling his eyes now. "I have told you everything I know! More than I actually know!"

Vandar looked back at him with an absolute straight face. The man's heart had turned to stone over the years. There was very few that would find a soft spot there. The begging and crying of a traitor didn't belong to that.

The guards attached two small devices on the man's forehead, which started to flash a red light, while Kenakh started to beg in panic and despair. "Please! I don't know more, I swear I have told you everything!"

Vandar looked at him. Deep down he believed that Kenakh would have spilled now the latest if he knew anything more about Proconsul Talen. But his belief was not enough. If there was something being overlooked and it would come out later, Vandar wouldn't show any weakness by admitting he had been 'believing' he had told him everything. Or worse ... that he had been fooled by a telepath.

Picking up his device from the table he activated the probe. Groans of pain filled the interrogation room that gradually turned to actual screams as Vandar sifted the man's mind for every small bit of information and hints of disloyalty of Proconsul Talen.

Since he hadn't been dismissed after having the interrogation taken over by Vandar, Rayek was forced to stand and watch the entire process. It turned his stomach. Literally. Yet he was too disciplined to move an inch from his spot until dismiss or ordered elsewhere.

The device was a brutal as the rumors made out... worse maybe. By the end of it, Kenahk's mind had shown them images of the other dissidents, remembered conversations implicating them in the assassination plot. And there in the midst of it - a scene of Lolir brooding about the violence of it all, wishing there a way they could change the system without bloodshed. When the voice of Kenahk remarked that it would take people more powerful than them... that's when the leader had asked about Talen's schedule.

Rayek wanted so badly to point out that just being named did not prove his involvement, but knew doing so would only make things worse. He kept silent and prayed to the Elements that Lolir would provide proof that his father was innocent.

By the end of the session, Kenakh's mind seemed broken, his thoughts now jumbled and incoherent. But everything had been recorded. Proof for the Praetor of Lolir and the others treason... but it didn't give Rayek the proof to exonerate his father or accuse the Senator Tocul... who had been the initial focus.

The nearby guards were called in to remove the former Imperial Guard. His mind probe testimony, or parts of it, would no doubt be seen by a Judge and he would be executed before the end of the week. Romulan justice was swift. Which meant Rayek needed to be present for Lolir's interrogation so that he could help ensure Vandar did not read the memories out of context.

Rayek timed his words for when they were alone, while the guards were off dumping Kenakh and retrieving Lolir. "Sir, I understand that you must do the interrogation yourself. My father's mention in Kenakh's testimony is just as shocking to me. But I need to be there. I too need to know the truth. I swore an oath to the Praetor. To the Praetor" he stressed. "I do not take that lightly. My loyalty is his - first and foremost."

"Oh, I'm sure it is," Vandar replied to Rayek's protestations. "But I don't need you any more right now. You are dismissed."

Rayek hesitated a moment at being dismissed. Some small part of him had hoped that the Vandar would realize just how beneficial he could be.. but the disdain he felt in the man's gaze cowed him. The novice Tal'shiar turned away only to come face to face with Lolir as he was brought in. The leader of the rebel group glared stonily at him. Rayek stepped aside as he made towards the door. He heard Vandar question the prisoner but Rayek didn't need to be telepathic to read the defiance in the silence that followed.
The guards shut the door behind him and Rayek considered his options. Head back to his room to do some more investigating, or wait out the interrogation.. maybe even test his limits by attempting to read Lolir from outside the room - something he'd never been able to do as yet. During his month long training, he'd always been limited to only being about to read those he had visual of and were within the same room. Unfortunately he couldn't read a mind through a video screen.

Standing with his back to the interrogation room door, Rayek attempted to make a connection to the mind that was beyond... but it felt as if he was groping about in the dark and couldn't touch anything. Screams erupted from the room. Suddenly feeling nauseous, Rayek strode down the hall away from the screams and made his way back to his room to review everything he knew. If Vandar's interrogation came up with nothing, Rayek would need some other means to prove Senator Tocul was complicit in the plans to assassinate the Praetor. Concern over his fathers dealings were also on his mind. Besides which he was running out of time to save himself and his family.


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