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Mind Games (Highlight - The Punishment - yr 2385)

Posted on Sat Jan 21st, 2023 @ 8:03am by Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell

3,667 words; about a 18 minute read

Uhlan Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Romulus - Ki Baratan - Tal'Shiar compound - 2385]

After leaving the interrogation, Rayek had returned to his room. There the uhlan began combing through the records for every connection that was possible between the prisoner Lolir, and Senator Tocul. He followed the Senator's schedule and used Ki Baratan's various security network cameras track the Senator's movements back months. He was at his research for hours - late late into the night.

He was still at it past midnight when a communication from Latihk came through to his computer.

From: Latikh tr'Kheiin
To: Rayek tr'Lhoell

Jolan'tru my friend, can we meet at my apartment? I know it's late, but it's urgent. I wouldn't bother you if it wouldn't be important. I need your help. Please respond. Latikh.

Rayek groaned. He didn't have time for this... but he knew Latihk wouldn't call it important if it wasn't. He replied back.

From: Rayek tr'Lhoell
To: Latihk tr'Kheiin

I'll be there shortly. Leaving now. Can't stay long. Work.

Rayek ordered a lift to Latihk's apartment building, then made his way up to his friends' apartment. The apartment seemed overly quiet as he approached. Paranoia had him wishing he'd have thought paid closer attention to the layout outside. Something felt out of place but he couldn't figure out what. 

Two of the three guards Vandar had brought with him had positioned themselves in the hallway just outside Latikh's apartment, hiding as they waited for Rayek to arrive after he had confirmed via message that he would come over.

When he did, both henchmen waited until Rayek stood in front of the door - jumping out of their hiding spots Rayek found two disruptors pointed at his head. A second later the door to Latikh's apartment opened and the guards moved, intenting to shove Rayek inside. The third man had opened the door.

Inside the apartment, in the living room area, there was Latikh, gagged and pinioned. The young man had a bleeding cut at his cheek where the disruptor had knocked him out for a second.

Behind Latikh there was Vandar, who looked way too smug.

Uhlan Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Romulus - Ki Baratan - Inner City - Apartment building - Outside Latikh's apartment - Year 2385]

Cursing that he hadn't paid heed to his paranoia, Rayek stilled when the disruptors were leveled at his head. Was this more of Lolir's crew? How had they found him and Latihk? There wasn't time to really question. He needed to free himself and no doubt help his friend - the bait to this trap.

The door began to open - so there was a third - possibly more. Good to know. 

He raised his hands in surrender intending to lull his assailants into thinking he was cooperating. As one stepped forward to shove Rayek through the opening door, Rayek suddenly threw his mind into that of this would-be attacker triggering the pain synapses in the man's mind. As the man suddenly gasped and dropped his disruptor to clutch at his head, Rayek ducked and threw his shoulder against the second assailant jarring him into the doorway, slamming one palm up into the man's jaw, knocking the man's head back as his other hand grabbed for the disruptor from the dazed man's hands. While at the same time kicking out at the door to unbalance the one opening it. The man staggered back a couple steps.

The now suddenly opened doorway gave Rayek a clear view of the room to see Latihk bound to the chair... and to see Vandar standing behind. Oh fvadt! This was sanctioned!?

Fear coursed through him - for a moment Rayek considered leveling the disruptor towards the Praetor's right hand man... but if he did so then it was as good as signing his family's death warrants himself - not to mention Latihk's. He couldn't risk that. Instead Rayek dropped the disruptor and withdrew his mind from the guard behind him. He stepped forward clearing the doorway before dropping to his knees and lowering his head submissively. 

"There is no need for your hostage. I submit."

From where Vandar was standing he had no clear view on everything that went on in the hall. When Rayek then stood in front of him there was one thing that was clear: the young Tal'Shiar man had taken out three well-trained guards on his own in no time. That was impressive, even he had to admit that. Just to himself of course.

Vandar tensed up the slightest bit when Rayek stood there with the disruptor - he was ready to react to an attack. Obviously the other thought better of it and dropped to his knees after dropping the disruptor. Behind Rayek Vandar saw the guard who had been clutching his head in pain getting to his feet with a groan and the other dazedly picking up his weapon from beside Rayek. The door to the apartment closed.

Vandar looked down on the young man as he took a step forward to stand beside the tied up Latikh now. "The submission you display now what you lacked in showing me last night. I will show you what happens when you are trying to be smug towards me, uhlan."

He glanced to Latikh and then back to Rayek. "So, I believe this is your dear friend Latikh. Since I assume you would take any attempt on 'correcting' your misconduct willingly, I came to the conclusion, to be sure to catch your attention on this, it would be better to have your bad demeanour affect someone close to you. Someone like ... Latikh."

Vandar turned around and in doing so pulled the disruptor from its holster and beat Latikh's face with it once. The young man groaned as his head flew to the side, almost making the chair topple over to the side. "I could imagine Latikh is wondering what it was that put him in this position he is now in."

The Tal'Shiar operative regarded Rayek coldly. "Tell your friend what you did."

Uhlan Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Romulus - Ki Baratan - Inner City - Apartment building - Latikh's apartment - Year 2385]

As he knelt there before the trussed up Latihk and the mocking Vandar, Rayek tried not to visualize what a successful disruptor strike might have done to Vandar's craggy face. The imagery would only earn a wistful smirk which would do no favors for Latihk.

As if to prove his point, Vandar explained why he would not be releasing Rayek's friend and instead used the butt of a disruptor to strike at Latihk's face. As much as he wanted to close his eyes again such treatment, Rayek knew that doing so would only make it worse on his friend. Rayek kept his gaze steadily ahead, while anger and self-loathing warred for top position. 

The uhlan didn't know who he blamed more Vandar or himself. Rayek had known he was putting his friend at risk by meeting with him.. and he had known Vandar would not be amused by his hiding spot or the fact that he'd ditched his communicator. But did that justify this? Despite what the man thought of him, Rayek was loyal to the Praetor. He owed the man his life! The Praetor could have easily ordered him killed rather than allowing him this opportunity to prove himself loyal. But it was Vandar who right from the start threatened him and started this animosity between them.

Prompted to give an explanation, Rayek had swallow back to his anger and his pride in order to answer. His voice was quiet, to show his shame, but he made sure it was loud enough to be heard, so that Vandar would not have excuse to hit his friend again - not that the man needed an excuse. 

"Latihk... you are being forced to endure this, my punishment, because I was being a smart-ass thinking I could outwit him, the man who is my handler. When you called to meet, I should have said I was too busy, or made arrangement to pass off the work I had done to that point - instead I hid the files knowing that he would come to look for them, and I hid them in the most crudest place I could think of that might not seem like it was intentional.. I also tried to hide from him where I was and who I was with, knowing he could and in all likelihood would use you against me because of his hatred of me. But he saw through my ruse, found you and now you are being made to pay for my disrespect."

And though he knew he shouldn't say anything more, since Vandar would only use it against him, Rayek couldn't keep silent. "Forgive me, my friend, I should not have involved you."

In the meantime Vandar slowly paced the room, disruptor still in hand, as he listened to Rayek's confession - how he liked to view it. "Good, good, good", he said, slowly, but rather pensive. He then stopped and fixated Rayek with another cold stare. "There is something else your friend should know about. Don't you think?" Vandar kept staring warningly at Rayek.

It was difficult for Rayek to tell if his submissiveness was aiding the situation or not, but it seemed to only way to prove his allegiance to the Empire. Rayek was certain had the man holding the gun to Latihk's head been any other than the Praetor's own man, that he would have fought back to free his friend. But that option was denied him.

His answer was replied to somewhat positively but Vandar, of course, wasn't done with humiliating him in front of his friend. Though never did Rayek consider that the other would have him break his sworn silence about his abilities. Rayek quickly weighed his options and choices and the response that Vandar truly wanted. The man wanted Rayek down and beaten... that much was certain. 

The Praetor's man likely hoped that by outing Rayek to Latihk that their friendship would be break. Which was a possibility. Latihk's amused disbelief last night, wouldn't be enough of a reaction to satisfy Vandar, Rayek was rather certain of that. So he had to be sure Latihk knew to act thoroughly horrified at his announcement.

Rayek lowered his head in apparent defeat, even as he brushed his mind out towards Latihk. ~tele~ I wasn't lying last night when I told you I was a telepath. You must denounce me. It may be the only way to save your life. Show no sympathy no matter what they do or say. He can't kill me yet, but the same isn't true for you. Do what you must to survive this. ~tele~

"I'm a telepath." he repeated the same phrase he'd uttered just last night. "That's me inside your head asking for forgiveness. I never meant to lie to you Latihk."

Latihk watched his friend with a lot of tension, waiting to hear what the other man wanted him to say.

He almost visibly flinched when he heard a quiet voice speaking g in his mind. His breath hitched for a second. It felt strange and it felt wrong ... what was that? Some kind of manipulation?

When Rayek then actually spoke, telling him again he was a telepath, Latihk realized it really head been him in his mind. There really was nothing about the shock on his face that he needed to feign. He stared at Rayek with wide eyes, a whole bunch of questions popping up in his mind.

A telepath? A telepath?!

He had learned to despise telepaths for their ability. It was ingrained him. But Rayek was his friend. No, he was his best friend. He was like a brother.

The revelation was terrible enough. What made it all worse was Vandar standing there with a weapon in his hand, seemingly eager to use it.

"Rayek, you ...", Latihk finally brought out, but it was barely a whisper. The shock was too big. "Fvadt! Are you serious?!" It almost felt like a yell he let out after the whispered words. A telepath? All those years I thought I knew you!" It was panic now taking over. Not only because the thought of having been a friend to someone who theoretically had been able to pickup his thoughts was frightening to the Romulan. But he feared Vandar might have picked him to die too because he was not Rayek's friend but the telepath's friend.

"I didn't know about this!", he affirmed to Vandar. Was he being unfair? He wanted for Vandar to leave Rayek alone. He didn't. want him to get hurt. Or even worse. Though he feared with the knowledge that had been revealed that both he and Rayek were dead men.

Vandar had watched closely. He tended to believe Latihk. But he didn't need to show that. "Oh, did you? So he's a telepath, you agree that he doesn't deserve to live the life of a honorable Romulan?"

Latihk hesitated. He knew what he was supposed to reply. What Vandar wanted to hear. But his eyes were glied to Rayek. His friend. Fvadt, how could he say he deserved prison? Or death? Which in the Romulan Empire was about the same.

Vandar seemed not pleased with how much time Latihk needed for a 'simple' question. With a swift move the tall man was at Latihk's side and beat his face once more. Latihk groaned loudly in pain as more green blood began to flow. "Answer me!"

"No, he doesn't deserve it ...", Latihk muttered a little dazed. The pain was unbearable. His brain automatically made him utter the words. He didn't dare to look at his friend.

Vandar turned to Rayek. "You've heard it. What do you think a telepath is deserving of?" Crossing his arms he looked at him with a morbid curiosity.

Rayek waited with bated breath for Latihk to respond, barely daring to hope that his friend would be able to fool the keen and perceptive Vandar; yet at the same time worried that what he wanted to hear from Latihk wouldn't be faked but his friends true feelings. 

The shock on Latihk's face and in his mind wasn't faked and Rayek flinched, withdrawing his mind as Latihk's whisper was replaced with words of outrage. This was what had to happen, but it stung to hear.

Rayek kept his head lowered in submission - a strategy intended to help Latihk. Rayek figured Vandar would most likely prefer to strike out at the 'telepath's friend' when he was watching. If Rayek kept his eyes from them... it might mean less abuse to Latihk. But Rayek hadn't taken into consideration Latihk hesitating on answering Vandar. 

Wincing at the sound of the strike, Rayek peeked up to see the newest gash on his friend's face. Fvadt!

Yet there it was... the words that Vandar needed to hear. "No, he doesn't deserve it ..." Rayek was pronounced unworthy of any honor or respect by even his best friend. 

How much was acting and how much was really despair at his friend's words was difficult for even Rayek tell. Regardless, he let the hurt show. Vandar had to have proof of his win. 

"No. Latihk, please!" he begged trying to meet eyes with Latihk, but thankfully Latihk kept his head turned away. 

Rayek then turned his pleas to Vandar. "Stop this! Dammit! You've made your point. You don't think I know how little my life is worth?! How everyone will see me once they know the truth?! I don't need you to rub my nose in it?!" he argued weakly.

"You've won." Rayek admitted then corrected himself. "I should know my place... but the revelation is still too new. It was stupid of me even believe there was contest. I am less than ryak'na. Just let me try to be of some use to the Empire before the order is given to end me. Please..." He let his voice trail off pathetically.

Rayek wanted to plead for the life of his friend but was afraid that drawing attention to Latihk might backfire and have Vandar do worse to the 'telepath's friend' even after denouncing him. Rayek just hoped Latihk wouldn't cave and show sympathy at his groveling. That could end badly.

Vandar was so cruel to laugh out loud at Rayek's begging. "Now look at you. Look at the Uhlan who thought he was smarter than everyone else. Yes, you will be to use for the Empire. How long ever the Praetor might find ways for you to be useful to him. But I tell you what." He turned around, looking down on him. "As for me, telepath, I can't wait for the day to give you what you deserve. And to make you never forget where your place is, I will give your punishment to your friend here."

Turning his head, Vandar gave a sign to two of his men, who instantly grabbed Rayek on either side in an iron grip and held him tight.

Latihk watched with wide eyes, fear for his life screaming out of them. "Rekkhai, p-please- ..."

Whatever it was that Latihk had meant to say, it was cut off by another brutal stroke with the weapon in Latihk's face. Another deep cut was added to Latihk's face and a loud crack that dislocated his jaw.

"Rayek!", Latihk screamed for help from his friend. It was pure despair and fear that made him scream so pathetically.

 Vandar now seemed to be determined to beat the poor man unconscious. Again and again he would beat Latihk's face, at one point the chair toppled over and Latihk - still tied to the chair - lay on the ground. The screams of pain had subsided to mumbled groans.

Vandar was ruthless. With the man lying on the ground now he not only struck him but started to kick his guts and head mercilessly. At some point the groans stopped completely and the body lay there motionlessly. But not even then did Vandar stop. He kept on kicking the body for another minute or so before he finally stopped. There was something wild in his eyes, small beads of sweat had formed on Vandar's forehead as his chest heaved visibly as he was slightly out of breath.

Latihk's face was a mess of green blood, it was hard to even recognize him. Vandar put his disruptor in its holster and turned his back on what he had just done, intending to leave with an instruction for the other two men who didn't hold Rayek to 'dispose' of any evidence of them having been there.

"The telepath comes with us", Vandar ordered.

Vandar's words were alarming and he glanced up in sickening horror as the Praetor's right hand nodded to the guards that were now on either side of him. They held him tightly upright even though Rayek's legs had gone weak at the realization of what was coming next. He doubt he could have stood even if he wanted to.

The first blow was brutal. Rayek swore he could hear the bone crack. But it was Latihk's pleading cry that was worse. The weakness from moments earlier was gone in an instant as a fresh burst of adrenaline hit. He struggled to stand. To go to his friend. 

"Latihk!" Rayek roared but was held in place by the prepared guards as Vandar rained down blows upon the 'telepath's friend'. No doubt the guards had plenty of experience in exactly this type of holding in place. They would know all the usually ways a person could struggle to free themselves. Well, all but one..

Rayek threw his mind recklessly in the mind of the guard on his right - again triggering the sensation of pain in the guard's mind. But it seemed the two had learned from last time. Being forewarned that he was a telepath likely had helped. 

While the guard on the right called out in pain, he didn't release his grip, and the other guard on Rayek's left who had a hold of Rayek's arm, twisted it viciously behind Rayek. The uhlan had no leverage with which to struggle. Then to encourage him to release his effect on the first guard, the third that had been watching from behind struck Rayek a blow to his head, forceful enough to daze him. His mind lost it's hold on the guard and Rayek received a discreet kick to the ribs from the man as the guard held tighter, leaning down to whisper in Rayek's ear. "Go ahead struggle more, kllhe. You are just extending your friend's suffering."

Worst part was Rayek consciously knew the guard was right but he couldn't help but strain against their grip when Latihk's chair toppled and Vandar continued beating on the bound and groaning figure. Rayek hoped that when the groans weakened Vandar would stop but that was proven false. The man kept kicking the prone figure.

"No! Stop! He's done nothing to deserve this!" Heedless of what it might mean, because at this point Rayek realized that Vandar was going to actually kill his friend just to prove a point, Rayek tried to force his mind into Vandar's through sheer effort. It was obvious by Rayek's strained and concentrated glare that he was attempting this. 

For a brief moment, Rayek thought he might have gotten through when suddenly pain flared from the back of his head and his vision dimmed as his head slumped forward. The guard behind him struck him again, nearly knocking him out. His head lolled to the side and his eyes drooped closed, despite his struggle to keep them open.

After what seemed like a long time, he heard as if from a distance the orders to the guards to 'dispose of the evidence' and to 'bring the telepath'. Rayek felt himself dragged between the guards. His heart felt despair. Latihk was dead because of him!


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