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Sorting out Rayek

Posted on Thu Jan 19th, 2023 @ 2:38am by Captain Linda Wilson & Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell

1,546 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Into The Void
Location: Captain's ready room
Timeline: before the staff meeting

Linda Wilson, the new Captain of the Lionheart sat in her ready room. She had asked Lt Rayek, their resident Romulan to join her. She wanted to see what to do with him. There were several positions available right now and hopefully he would be interested in one of them. First, she had to see what he wanted to do.

Rayek had been pleasantly surprised to have received notification the day before to attend the Lionheart's senior staff meeting this morning. Less surprising and pleasant was the request to meet with the Captain in her Ready Room prior. He had expected this conversation.

From his research into the Lionheart's historical and open source files, the Romulan had learned that there was very little difference politically between his universe and Lionheart's. For nearly 200 years, the Romulan Empire had been considered an enemy government, who plotted against the Federation without obvious provocation. It was only recently with the Dominion Wars that any sort of short term alliance had been forged and that only to fight against a far more formidable foe. Even the Reman coup had occurred as it had in his own timeline. Rayek was fairly certain that any time now the Romulan Empire would discover the instability of the Hobus sun and, recognizing their own limitations in mass evacuations, would seek out aid from their long-time enemy.

What would happen if he attempted to tell others of this upcoming event? Would they believe him? Would it change the fate of his planet and his people? If he did save his people would the Rayek of this universe find a means to meet with the Tess of this universe? Were they always fated to be together? He wanted to believe so but research into those Lionheart crew who had requested to remain in his universe, told a far different story.

It was a bit disturbing to think that there might be another with his name and abilities, currently serving in the Romulan military somewhere in the Lionheart's universe of origin. He wondered if Starfleet had Intelligence on his alternate self that would come to light in this meeting.

Rayek made certain he was dressed crisply in uniform. He'd even considered shaving his usual beard scruff to look even more professional, but his absent wife's preference took precedence and instead he merely trimmed it so that it gave him an groomed look rather than appearing unkempt. Because he was up-to-date on his inoculations from his time on the USS Amalthea, Rayek wasn't concerned about being affected by the Captain's Orion pheromones in passing. If she actively tried to influence him, that might be problematic, but he doubted a Starfleet officer, Captain no less, would use such tactics.

He arrived outside her ready room door a few minutes ahead of the scheduled time. He wasn't a Vulcan, so didn't time his arrival the exact minute. He figured his early arrival would show his keenness to meet expectations.

He activated the door chime by stepping into sensor range.

After the doors opened he stepped inside and presented himself to the Captain seated at her desk.

"Lieutenant tr'Lhoell, reporting as requested, Captain."

"Make yourself comfortable, Lieutenant. Would you like something to drink?" Linda asked. She wanted him to be comfortable.

Having been on the greeting end of new personnel on a ship, Rayek was familiar with the use of comfortable seating and an offered beverage as an means to start off a meeting. He inclined his head slightly in acceptance as he took a seat on the nearest chair. "A chai tea, if you have it in your databank."

The Romulan didn't offer to get it himself as he suspected the replicator in the Captain's Ready Room would be coded to her authorization only. "Black" he added in afterthought. He didn't wish to chance that the Orion might accidentally spike his drink with sugar to 'loosen him up'.

"Chai tea! Yeah that sounds like a good idea." She went over to the replicator, "Chai tea, hot and black." The mug appeared and she took it to Rayek. "There you go."

Rayek accepted the cup from the Captain with a nod of thanks. He sniffed at it a moment, smelling the warm, invigorating spices of allspice, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and nutmeg. He then raised it to his lips and sipped at it cautiously. The flavour was perfect and the Romulan smiled in contentment while the Captain was getting her own tea.

She returned to the replicator, "Chai tea, hot, two sugars." Her mug appeared. She took it and blew on it as she sat down. She put the mug down to cool. "OK so the reason I asked you here is so we can determine your place on the ship. I am aware of your special circumstance and hopefully someday we can get you home. In the meantime, I was wondering what you wanted to do with yourself. Any ideas as to what position interests you?"

When Captain returned and immediately set her tea aside to cool, Rayek politely did likewise. He appreciated the Captain's directness now that the social niceties were met. That she stated she knew of his 'special circumstances' had Rayek very much curious exactly what she had been told - and by whom.

"And if I were to ask for the position of First Officer?" Rayek queried testingly.

Rayek suspected that was what Hadenbeer had been hinted at with the first day he arrived, but Devon had been injured before she'd been able to broach the subject with him. Rayek had the skills and qualifications for such a position. He knew that for certain.

What the Romulan lacked was certainty that such a role was best for him. Twice he'd held the position and twice he'd been demoted for failing to follow Starfleet protocol and disobeying his Captains' direct orders. That in doing so he saved lives, or was defending his mnhei'sahe, hadn't mattered to Starfleet brass.

No. It was best he stay away from Command roles for the time being, the Romulan decided.

"Just kidding!" Rayek laughed and looked towards the Captain with a smile, making it seem like his query had just be said in fun. Once the laughter ceased, Rayek grew serious once more.

"I've worked in both Security/Tactical and in Operations. Of the two departments, you would probably find my skills best serving as your Chief Security and Tactical Officer." He'd held that position on Challenger as a Chief Petty for nearly a year before he was promoted up to Lieutenant Commander. "I've done the job before and would be valuable asset to your staff."

"Well as it happens, Commander Ull is on special assignment so how about acting chief of security and tactical. That suit you?" This was an opportune moment. She needed a good security and tactical officer and Rayek seemed to fit the bill. Hadenbeer ,well she knew about the woman from her dad. Not well liked among many people but she was a great judge of character from what she had heard so Rayek was probably trustworthy. She was wiling to take a chance on him. Her own gut was telling her he would be great for the spot.

Rayek knew he should be completely honest with the woman and point out his troubled past, and repeated offenses of disregarding order but that might have her rethink her offer of Acting Chief, and for the moment Rayek didn't need additional distrust clouding her view of him. The fact that she was allowing a Romulan with no discernible history within Starfleet to be in control the ship's safety and weaponry said a helluva lot about the woman's trust in Captain Hadenbeer's judgement.

"It sounds ideal. I will however make it clear that my acceptance is conditional on the understanding that at the first opportunity to get me home, I will relinquish my position to the next in line. I am not here to acquiesce to the Vedala's plottings or desire for us to 'clean up the Void' - except that they might be able to get me home. My loyalty and service will be to you as Captain and to the ship and her crew - no other." He looked to the Captain to see if this was acceptable to her. This meant he wasn't beholden to Starfleet in general. This wasn't his universe, and therefore not his fleet.

"Well, I think I can accept that, Lt Commander." Linda said.

Rayek nodded at her words. "Then I accept. Thank you for this opportunity, Captain." He then stood up to offer her a Romulan bow of respect. "Will there be anything else? If not, then if you grant me permissions immediately, I will see about preparing a status report for the upcoming meeting."

"You are quite welcome. By all mean go ahead with that report!" Linda said

With a nod, Rayek picked up his remaining tea and downed it, still quite hot, and returned the empty cup to the recycler, while he assumed the Captain filled out the appropriate permissions for him to begin his assignment. Then with a last parting nod towards the Orion, he left to see about learning more about his depart and its staff.


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