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A Simple Chat

Posted on Sat May 20th, 2023 @ 9:16pm by Crewman Doria & Lieutenant Commander R'elle

1,144 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Short Treks
Location: Counselors Office
Timeline: After Romulan Adventures in Babysitting

Doria held her stuffed Alfa 117 Canine as she was escorted to the Counselor by a security officer. The officer sat down in the outer office and pointed to the inner room instructing her to enter. Doria gave a gentle hug to the security officer before she obediently entered the inner office. "Mistress R'elle. This one was ordered to come have a conversation as a formality for entry into the Ships School. May this one please enter?" The small red haired human looking girl held the plushie close as they stood in the doorway.

"Come on in Doria." R'elle said.

Doria slowly entered the office and looked to the Chief Counselor, "Mistress R'elle this one has come as requested. How may this one be of service this day Mistress?". The small android girl held her plushie close and looked up over the large desk to the woman.

"Well first sit down and make yourself comfortable!" she smiled a the little girl. "So tell em how are you feeling today?"

Doria moved around before sitting in the chair before the counselor. She almost seemed swallowed by the chair. Holding her stuffed animal close she states, "This one is functioning optimally. Distress was prevelant because of news of the destruction of the Masters. This one has recovered and is ready for school? This one also wishes to ask if you wish this one to assume a different species shape for your comfort Mistress R'elle?"

"Not at all my dear. Your current form is fine! I am sorry about your loss though. It must be hard to find out your whole world is done. That said, how do you feel about school?""

Doria relaxes slightly having grown slightly accustom to her current form. Looking to the stuffed toy in her lap she thinks a moment, "Before factory reset this one must have been in many schools, but the knowledge is gone. So this will be a first experience. This one eagerly looks forward to the chance to learn and thus serve this one's purpose. This one hopes to please this ones Master Rayek and Mistress Reeza by excelling in the school setting."

"Well that's a good thing. I believe you will excel in school. So how do you feel about going to school Daria? It sounds like this is a new experience for you?"

"This one is eager Mistress R'elle. This one is happy to go to school it is a new experience to this one and this one is wanting to learn everything possible. The purpose of this unit is to learn and gather new information. Sadly this one now that this one is aware that this one's homeworld is dead. The Masters are dead. So where would this one deliver knowledge gained?", she asked conflicted.

"Ahh well knowledge is something you use throughout your existence. It's not something you deliver, it's something you use. You'll come across situations in life when somebody asks you something, usually a question and you answer them. Or you, yourself have a question or a problem that needs answering, you use the knowledge you have to answer it. If the knowoledge you have isn't enough then you go find the right knowledge to answer the question. School give you a good basic knowledge and sometimes more than basic to function in society."

"Yes Mistress R'elle this one will work hard to learn and excell in school. Learning for this ones self feels.. odd. Normally this one learns and deposits the knowledge to the Masters where the knowledge is removed from this one. This one likes the idea of helping others with knowledge. This one hopes to learn as much as this one can and help as many as this one can.", Doria said with a small smile.

"Now Doria, a reminder, you're not supposed to refer to yourself as 'this one'. It is proper to say "I" instead of this one. So I hope you enjoy school. It is also good to make new friends at school too. School is a place to learn and have fun learning and making friends."

Doria sat there processing, only way it would be more obvious would be if ... were over her eyes. "I.. will try to remember. Saying.. I... is difficulty for.. me. It goes agaist base programming. But... I will try."

"Atta girl! Just keep trying! I'm glad your excited about school. I hope you do well and enjoy school!"

Doria smiled, "Thank You Mistress R'elle. May.. I.. ask what I need to do to prepare. What forms of preparation and what to expect?"

"Well that's a good question for your teacher. You might ask her what you need. You will be required to learn from a text and learn what she teaches you. She will over several subjects I'm sure."

"Yes Mistress R'elle. This one hopes the activities will keep this ones mind occupied.. This one is sad because of something from yesterday.", Doria seemed to slip back into her third person mode.

R'elle did notice the slip but was more concerned about what happened yesterday, "Ok Doria, Tell me what happened yesterday? What made you sad."

Doria looked down to the floor, "This one asked Master Rayek if this one could return with him to his dimension. This one even offered to be a domestic servant. He declined citing that Mistress Reeza would miss this one..."

"Well he is right about that! We would all miss you very much! I suspect Reeza most of all! She is really attached to you. Do you understand that?"

"Yes Mistress, this one understands.. but He was the first of the away team to act in a dominant manner toward me upon reactivation. Especially with the fact of the Masters being gone.. this one he imprinted on this one and... I don't want to lose him...", coolant began to drip down both of Doria's cheeks.

"Hey, it's ok Doria." she gives the little android girl a hanky. "I understand. You really like him and don't want to leave him However he has said you can't come with him. Doria, this is the hard part of life. Sometimes we have to say goodbye to the ones we love. It hurts and we don't want to but sometimes life takes us in different directions! Now he isn't going anywhere right away, so my advice is cherish the time you have with him. Make good memories while you can!"

"Yes Mistress, this one shall do just that!", the android smiled a bit happier. "This one feels that this one has taken enough of Mistress's time. May this one return to Mistress Reeza's quarters for preperation for schooling?"

"Of course my dear. Run a long and get ready for school and have a nice day!" R'elle said.

Doria smiled and curtsied before taking her stuffed animal and hurrying off.


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