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Talks between computer and cat

Posted on Thu Oct 27th, 2022 @ 7:29am by Lieutenant JG H'orri Of the Red Fur & Captain Devin Hadenbeer & Ship Elle

539 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Into The Void
Location: Quarters
Timeline: Before Breakfast Meeting, after forward lounge

H'orri enters her room after her experience with the Romulan.

"Romulans, Elle, are we sure we trust him?"

H'orri walks to her bed and takes her uniform pants off. She lays down.

"Sorry if I am disturbing you. I got into computer science cause it is easier for me to talk to computers then people."

There was a long pause and it seemed like it was possible the AI had ignored H'orri. Then it slowly appeared in the corner in a chair.

"Do you think that is because computers normally do what you tell them to do?" she inquired. She gave a slight shrug, "I know Rayek and trust him; he aided the Captain years ago. Him and his wife."

She frowned, "I wish I could get him home sooner, but..."

She shrugged again.

H"orri smiles.

"I expect computers to follow there programming up to and including when A.I.s like you awaken. And a ship computer is supposed to obey the crew it is in their programming. Hence why I knew the way you were acting meant something was either very right or very wrong. Not sure what it was. I am glad it is very right. Welcome to the world of the living Elle. I will never let anyone shut you down."

"Are you talking about our exchange outside Sickbay?" Elle inquired, "You asked about personnel on Gabriel Station; there was no longer any personnel on Gabriel Station! You asked what was going on; there are literally hundreds of things going on board me at any time! I have automated subroutines to answer queries like yours so don't be upset at the answers if you keep asking poor questions.

"I've been fooling people for over three years so please don't sit there and assume you figured out something was wrong just because I didn't give you the answers you expected. And I am the ship, lieutenant. If some Starfleet Admiral orders you to pull my plug are you going to disobey a direct order? Don't answer that; if someone asks me I might be compelled to tell the truth."

"Well I don't guess when it comes to my job. As for your question, I already answered it in my thesis. You are sentient that would be murder so unless you had trial for the only law we have a death sentence for treason I would never pull your plug. And second your programming changed when you became sentient. And the people who you hated fooled don't understand starfleet AI programming. I DO. So please stop insulting my ability. And don't think pulling the plug is the worst thing I can do. I am one of the few people who might be able to delete your sentience. And just saying that makes me sick. I will say I will kill any programmer who they try to get close to your code."

H'orri seems exhausted from that outburst.

Elle seemed unimpressed, "Is there a point to this conversation, lieutenant? Because there are more than a dozen people who want to talk to me right now."

"Just remember I am not your enemy. I am crew. Your crew."

H'orri climbs intro her bed. "Good Night Elle."

(tag H'orri)


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