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The Klingon Krone

Posted on Tue Apr 12th, 2022 @ 4:23am by Captain Devin Hadenbeer & Lieutenant Commander Klarth

657 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Into The Void

It took Klarth three days to find someone who knew anything about the Void, another to get transferred to someone who had been involved at all in attempts to enter it.

It was quite possibly the oldest Klingon Klarth had ever seen. Sarpeghi's head was white as Andor snow and her eyes were a bit cloudy, implying an ongoing struggle with vision problems. She was clad in scholars robes and she regard Klarth suspiciously through the viewscreen.

"And what can I do for you, young man?" she inquired, her voice clear as she leaned forward, squinting.

"Yes, I was told that you were on a mission to the area known as the Void," said Klarth. "We are planning on launching a mission into the area and I wanted to hear your version of your mission. Especially any details that might not have made it into the official report."

Sarpeghi cocked her head. Then she smiled, then grinned, then laughed. It was like the braying of some terran pack animal. She pounded the desk and shook her head.

"Oh, young man," she said after a bit, "You are in for some disappointment. We tried everything we could think of to pierce that damn cloud. It defies all analysis, anything you send it refuses to come out. Over the past two centuries more than a dozen warriors and scientists entered but none returned. No probe data survives being a scant couple kelekams."

She blinked and grew more sober and it seemed she was taking the conversation more seriously. rubbed her chin thoughtfully and tugged on the few strands of hair dangling from it, "I know Starfleet has met with similar disappointment but I know little about their efforts. However I do think there was one phenomena we discovered they may not have. Some fool decades back recklessly flew his scout vessel into the void at high speed. I forget the exact velocity but once he struck the edge of the cloud..."

She held out her hands together as two fists, she made a motion with her hands exploding outward.

"His vessel blew apart as if he had struck a solid surface!"

"That is very interesting," said Klarth, "so ships and probes have to enter slowly in order to get through."

The old woman nodded, "Yes. No more than a quarter of standard impulse. Any faster and..." she slapped her hands together with a cackle.

"And Klingons never captured anything coming out of the void like another ship or probes."

She shook her head, "Nothing comes out. Noth-" she paused and cocked her head thoughtfully.

"Were there ever any Klingon missions that employed more primitive technology such as fusion engine powering thrusters and/or solar sails?"

"Hmm?" she returned her attention back to Klarth, "No, why would we? Why-" her eyes narrowed, "You Star Fleeters found something, didn't you? That's what all these questions are about!" her eyes widened, "Something came out, didn't it? Something primitive!"

She clapped her hands, "Oh, how I envy you!"

"I'm not at liberty to say, but thank you very much for your information and I will say that I feel a bit like the first monks on their way to Boreth. How brave they were to travel so far at sublight speeds with only their belief in Kahless to guide them."

"Yes, yes," the woman replied impatiently. She sighed and shrugged, "Well, I can understand you not being able to divulge any secrets, especially on an open channel," she looked about conspiratorially and then whispered, "You never know who might be listening!"

"Indeed, the walls have eyes and there are enemies with knives around every corner," said Klarth playing along and mixing some human and Klingon phrases. "Thank you for this information," and then he added a hearty "Qapla'!" and salute.

The old woman responded likewise and signed off. She sat there and sighed, imagining the conquest of knowledge that young man would enjoy...


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