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Dr. Klarth, I presume

Posted on Wed Jan 25th, 2023 @ 8:53pm by Lieutenant Commander Klarth & Captain Linda Wilson
Edited on on Wed Jan 25th, 2023 @ 9:17pm

1,330 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Into The Void
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Before the Staff Meeting

Klarth currently didn't have any patients so he was busy doing inventory and making sure they had all the supplies they needed on hand for whenever the next crisis happened. On the Lionheart the next crisis was inevitable. The supplies for one of the many drawers around sickbay was open and half it's contents were out as Klarth check them off.

Klarth saw Captain Wilson stroll into sickbay. He was sort of surprised to see her. Sure he had sent a message asking her to report to sickbay for an exam but captains were usually seemingly allergic to exams.

"Captain," said Klarth dropping his datapad and getting up to greet her. "Welcome to sickbay."

Thank you Dr. Klarth. You said you wanted to do a physical on me so figured I'd get it over with. I don't know if you have my records, but I will tell you this. The whole pheromone thing? It's a gross exaggeration. Orion women don't produce pheromones more than say a human woman. Anyway, where do you want to start?" Linda said.

Klarth knew Orion anatomy all too well. He willed himself to try to not think about his encounter with the pirate Captain, the so called Wicked Witch. As there were too many memories he did not want to drudge back up to the surface. But despite his best attempts he still remembered her laugh. Her horrible laugh echoing through the bridge. The space station was going to blow up and she thought it was funny. But, Klarth came back to the present, this new Captain wasn't her. Her skin color was the same, but that was all. Klarth directed the Captain over to a bio bed were there was some equipment already set up. He grabbed a medical tricorder and started to run it around the Captain. "Why don't we start with the scans, then have you do some light exercise to test your body and then finally I'll do a more thorough scan."

"Sounds like a plan!" She climbed onto the examination bed and lay down. "OK, scan away!"

As Klarth scanned her he said, "So how are you settling in? Is the Lionheart anything like what you expected?"

"Well, truth be told, I still have no idea what to expect! The whole being yanked from my ship and sent here without my permission yet, is very disconcerting and to be honest it pisses me off! I'm trying to adjust but it will take a while! At least my stuff came with me. I miss my friends and my crew and my family. Can't even contact them from here." Linda said.

"Yes, the whole thing is equally jarring for us too," said Klarth. "Hopefully you will come to regard us as friends and we you. Hadenbeer and I have known each other for many years. She trusted my counsel and I hers, and I confess I did enjoy "being in the loop" more than I might have been otherwise. It is my hope that we can start to build that sort of relationship too, but I realize such a thing happens organically over time."

"Yes it does. That's one the hardest things, starting over. had my crew and I trusted them and now I'm with a bunch of strangers. I am optimistic that once we get to know each other things will grow but like you said it takes time." Linda said.

"And this is hardly a normal crew," said Klarth. "A ship that is an AI, a Romulan officer, and..." Klarth bend down low and whispered. "...I hear the Doctor is a Klingon. Have you ever heard something so ridiculous?" said Klarth and then he started laughing.

Linda didn't want to laugh but couldn't help herself. She just had to laugh. "Ok, you made your point doctor. It looks to be a very interesting experience."

Klarth was happy that the Captain laughed at his joke and even more happy that her laugh bore no resemblance to the laugh of the Orion pirate that he couldn't help comparing her to. He felt muscles relax that he didn't even realize were tensed. It would take time but he hoped he could get over such comparisons. It wasn't fair to her or himself.

"Now is the fun part Captain" Klarth led her over to a contraption where she peddled her feet to get the blood flowing and test her vitals.

"Yeah thrill a minute. Ok, let's get this over. She assumed the position. She really hated this part. She always gave Penny a hard time about this! She knew it was necessary but that didn't mean she had to like it.

While she was doing the exercising Klarth continued to do scans and chat. "So Captain, what are some of your hobbies?"

"Hobbies? What are those? Oh fun things i rarely get to enjoy as being the captain takes up so much time. Well, I like Horseback riding, reading, Tennis. I love tennis but hard to find a good opponent. Everyone is afraid of beating the captain. Either that or they aren't interested."

"Well, I have played racquetball before," said Klarth. "maybe I could learn tennis, I wouldn't be afraid to beat you. It's all in good fun right?"

"yeah it is! I don't worry about it if someone beats me! Hey I play racquetball too. Maybe we should have a match Doc!" Linda said.

"Excellent we absolutely should. Said Klarth. "Well, that about does the exercise portion looks like you are in excellent health. Klarth leds the captain over of a large scanner. The Captain sits down on a cot and the devise feeds her into the scanner (OOC: like an MRI machine) "And this last thing is a full body scan. You can thank Rayek for suggesting this. He's wants to make sure all you new crew members aren't secretly clones made out of goo or from an alternate dimension or something. He's one to talk, right?"

"Well yeah but it's a good suggestion. Good for him for thinking of it. Far as I know I'm from the same dimension everyone else is, well except Rayek of course. Still who knows? We might even pick up a straggler or two along the way!" Linda said.

"Yes, we are going into uncharted territory. This a some adventure you didn't sign up for," said Klarth with a laugh. "But speaking for myself I am happy to be taking part in it."

"I wish I could be but , well don't have a choice and I'll do my best! Guess we all got to get used to each other. Well, We can do this because, well we have to do it!" Linda said. "Anyway, how are the scans?"

"According to the scan you're a Plasmavore for dimension X90 and should be thrown in the brig immediately" said Klarth gravely, but then he smiled and said...."just kidding, it says that you're a perfectly healthy Orion from good ol' universe prime." Klarth slips the cot out of the scanner and says while he's writing on the Captain's chart. "Now, unless it's a social call I don't want to see you back in here for 6 months. I know you Captains think broken bones are as collectible as medals of valor, but they're not!... Oh, who am I kidding, I'll probably be one of the ones in here next to you with broken bones of my own."

Linda laughed at that! "I guess we'll see! Let me know when we can set up a racquetball match." She said.

"Yes, that would be very enjoyable." said Klarth he was glad he had gotten to know the Captain. And happy that they were getting along so well. "You know what they say, 'A racket a day keeps the Doctor at play'

Linda groaned "Be careful Doc! People have been court-martialed for puns like that!" She shook her head and walked out. She just didn't understand why Doctors thought they were comedians.


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