Romulan Adventures in Babysitting
Posted on Sat Apr 22nd, 2023 @ 2:08am by Lieutenant Reeza Cuyu & Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell & Crewman Doria
12,362 words; about a 62 minute read
Short Treks
Location: Rayek's Quarters
Timeline: DAY 14 (after Revelations)
The Cuyu family were slowly settling in to a new routine and a new home. The addition of Doria on their twelfth day had thrown a monkey wrench into things, but it was ok because Reeza didn't mind too much. She was a mom, and what was one more kid when you already had one? Plus, Soja liked it; she'd wanted a sister and now she had one. Kind of. But it WAS more than she was used to, so her boss R'elle strongly suggested that she take Rayek up on his offer to "babysit." Though she'd been reticent, she HAD agreed to let him take two hours, mostly because Doria liked him a lot. So they'd set it up and arranged it for that Saturday from noon-1400.
At noon exactly, she knocked at the door of the stodgy Romulan, and waited. The two young girls each held a stuffed animal, a box of crayons and coloring book, and a bottle of juice each. Reeza smiled when he opened the door. "Jo'lan tru, Commander." She said, hoping she'd said it correctly. "I really appreciate it. And Doria does, too." She followed them inside, bustling the kids in. "They have already eaten lunch. They have brought a quiet activity to do while they spend time with you." She said. "Doria knows the house rules, and you can tell her and Soja any you may have, as well." She bent to talk to the girls. "Behave." She stood up again, and looked at Rayek. "I'll have my comms badge with me at all times in case something happens. You can contact me and I'll come immediately." She said.
"Yes Ma'am", Doria responded when told to behave. "This one will be a good girl."
Rayek smiled and returned the Romulan greeting as he gestured for the girls to take a seat at the dining room table to work on their colouring. The Romulan then tried to assure the clearly worried mother that her children would be fine in his care. "We will be fine. Go enjoy the afternoon."
Doria looked to Reeza as she was heading off but did not speak, instead her eyes showed a sense of separation but when she looked to Rayek she was calmer knowing that he is a good man she likes. But signs of fear of separation was showing.
Reeza looked back at Doria, but nodded that she would be just fine. Reeza herself might not be, but that wasn't her job to worry about. Reeza made her way to the turbolift and back to her quarters.
After seeing Soja's mother off, Rayek turned his attention to the girls. "What are we coloring today?" He attempted to look at the coloring pages they had their books open to. "May I colour with you?" he asked.
Doria knelt on the floor on her knees and offered up the colouring book and crayons to Rayek, "Please enjoy Master Rayek." She was cuddling her Alfa 117 Canine that had a soft plush horn. "This one is happy to share with Master so that Mistress Soja can illustrate uninhibited. "This one and Mistress Soja have colouring books of planets and species. This one finds this very intriguing."
A brief tired look crossed the Romulan's face as Doria knelt on the floor rather than sitting in the chair he'd gestured to. Even more troubling was her return to the use of 'this one' and 'Master' in reference to herself and him. She'd regressed ever since her revelations about her origin. Rather than draw attention to this however, Rayek looked over to the living room table which was perfect height for a kneeling child. Rayek accepted the book and placed it on the coffee table
"Soja, Come join us on the floor. We can use the coffee table for our colouring." He helped the young girl to bring her stuff over and settled her and Doria on one side by the sofa. "Soja, Doria, Do you need a pillow for your knees?" The carpeting in his room was standard Starfleet make and was none too thick or comfortable, he would imagine.
Cuyu Soja was very quiet. She didn't like new people as much as others. Still, if Doria trusted this man, then she would, too. She held up the coloring books-hers was 'Planets of the Bajor system', and Doria had 'Planets of Earth's Solar System' as it was more advanced. "Pwanets of Bajor. Onwe Bajor and Ordeve," she replied. "Have you been to Bajor? Does it wook wike this?" She hadn't had time to ask her mom. As she settled in at the coffee table, she tapped on Doria's shoulder. "We should get the piwwows," she said, her mouth still not able to make the "L" sound in Standard.
Doria looked to Mistress Soja as she was tapped and nodded. "Mistress Soja might require comfort for her knees. This one will be able to endure without issue." Doria looked over in wonderment at the two planets of Soja's home system. "This one hasn't but hopes to."
Rayek shook his head slightly at Soja's question. "No, unfortunately I haven't, though I had quite a bit of opportunity working nearby on Katra Station, which is just a week's travel from the wormhole on the Gamma Quadrant side. I've been to Deep Space Nine many times and even New Bajor - in the Gamma Quadrant - but my travels have yet to include Bajor itself."
At the Soja's request for a pillow, he disappeared into bedchamber to retrieve the items from the bed - one pillow for each. As he instructed Doria to sit on hers, he pointed out. "You should not have to 'endure'. It's important to me for you to be comfortable."
Obediently she took the pillow raising up and placing it under her knees. With an almost smile, "That does take strain off this ones servos Master Rayek."
Rayek smiled at hearing that.
Only after they were settled with their juice boxes within in reach, did he too sit down. He sat on the opposite side cross-legged. "Doria find a picture you would like to color and I will do the opposite page." He found it a bit amusing that coloring seemed to be a rather universal means of learning. He'd done activities like this with his own siblings when his parents would ask him to watch over them.
Doria chose the planet Neptune to colour and showed Rayek a picture to colour, "This one is planning to colour Neptune, but if Master allows she may illustrate Uranus and Master can have Neptune?"
Though Federation standard was not his first language, Rayek had picked up the language swiftly when taught in school - the Romulan education system believing the best means to knowing your enemy was to be proficient in their language. As such, Rayek recognized the potential humor of Doria's innocent query. He looked to Doria wondering if the double-meaning was lost on her or if she just chose to ignore it like he was about to. "Thank you Doria, but you can colour Neptune as you originally planned, I am content with any planet."
Doria was visibly lost to the double meaning.
Avoidance was the best play so that Soja didn't think anything odd about the phrase.
Still, the four year old giggled. She looked at Doria, but didn't say anything because she did not know if Mr. Commander would tell her mother. She just put some pink dots where the Embassy was. Her mother said it was a grey cement building, but Soja did not have a gray colored crayon. She looked at Doria again. "What color is Neptune?"
"The planet Neptune Mistress Soja is a combination of blue and white with a bit of gray."
At the giggle, Rayek raised a single eyebrow in surprise and wondered at what age the young girl had learned such a term; then more worrisome wondered whether later on her mother might think it was a term he'd introduced to her. At the start of Soja's question to Doria, Rayek had assumed she was going to continue the 'double-meaning conversation' and question about the color of the 'other planet'. He internally struggled with whether or not he should interrupt her question, but thankfully Soja proved wiser and instead asked after Neptune.
"I will colour my planet a light-bluish color" he stated preventing the question from being asked. He knew that to be Uranus' proper color as seen from space, having been to the Sol system a few times over the course of his careers. Rayek selected out a color that best matched and began coloring very neatly within the lines.
"Very nice! I wike bue," Soja remarked. "My teacher said that in the Sow system, that most of the pwantes there are red."
Rayek tipped his head slightly in askance at that statement. It was clear that Soja's teacher needed to review her Sol system once more. "Well, there are two planets" Rayek slightly stressed the correct pronunciation of the word, "that are reddish in colour. Mars and Venus... and there is a red spot and a few reddish horizontal lines on the gas giant of Jupiter - though it is mostly varying colors of brown."
"However, there are three blue planets - this one" he indicated the drawing of Uranus, "Neptune and, of course, Earth. Of the remaining two planets, one is yellowish-brown, Saturn; and one is grey, Mercury." Rayek hoped his detailed listing would correct the misinformation Soja's teacher had given her.
Soja looked at him seriously. "Oh. I see. Doria, do you have a grey crayon? I don't have one, so I made the Embassy pink." She pointed.
Doria retrieved a gray crayon and placed it beside Soja. "There you go Mistress Soja."
Soja nodded a thanks and kept coloring. She wasn't as formal as Doria.
Doria began to carefully colour doing her best to make a solid meticulous work on her planet as she smiled eagerly working. She did not go too fast nor too slowly. Looking to Soja's work. "Mistress Soja is an excellent illustrator." Doria said.
Soja smiled. "Thank you," she replied. "You are doing a good job coworing Uranus." She giggled again for a moment, and then put her face down to color B'hala a striking shade of lemon yellow. It would appear that Reeza would need to do a better job at following up her daughter's education at home.
Rayek chose to ignore the giggle, figuring Soja was testing to see if she could get a reaction from him. Instead he would, opt to give attention to proper behaviour. "Thank you for the compliment, Soja. You both are doing well also. Perhaps after our colouring, we could go for a walk to the Astrometrics lab and see if they might show us a proper visual of the Sol system. Does that sound fun?" The Romulan felt an educational outing would be a nice way to wrap up their visit.
"This one would be happy to view such Master Rayek", she was still a bit wonky after the nights events. "May this one ask a request while there?", she continued until she had illustrated the planet with its fourteen moons. "If allowed may this one take a view of Exo-III to show Master Rayek and Mistress Soja. It's a beautiful vibrant green." Little did Doria know what Exo-III had become.
Soja perked up. "That would be fun!" She said.
Rayek, was pleased at their positive reactions, up until Doria asked to see Exo-III. The Romulan had searched up on Exo-III after the android's first arrival on the ship, and so knew the planet's current state - which wasn't a beautiful vibrant green. Part of him wanted to protect Doria from the painful truth but Rayek knew that would lying to her - something he would prefer not to do. "If you wish to see what the ship has on file for Exo-III, we can do that while there; but I must forewarn you, the planet is not as you remember. As you know, half an eon has past and much has changed."
"Planetary evolution is expected Master Rayek, maybe the planet will be a city world, stretching to the stars.", she almost smiled imagining. "But I understand. I hope one day to go back and have enough knowledge that the Masters will forgive me for losing so much." She looked to Soja's umm art. "You are very talented Mistress Soja, Mistress Reeza will be most proud this one hopes."
Rayek knew Doria would need to be told, but the Romulan had hoped the responsibility of such would fall to someone else, but it seemed that was not to be the case. "It is more jarring than merely evolution." Rayek glanced towards Soja briefly, wondering if this was one of those moment Reeza might have shielded her daughter by asking her to play in her room. He didn't have that luxury.
The Romulan looked back to Doria. "Your Masters are gone. Their entire civilization destroyed. I would tell you more but this is not an appropriate conversation to have with Soja listening. We will talk later."
Rayek then seemingly returned his attention to coloring.
Soja listened quietly; Mr. Commander's voice had dropped to an octave like her mother's did when she was saying something that she did not want Soja to hear. She looked quietly at Doria and then to Rayek, but turned her face back to her coloring. "Do you know what cowor the Jerrado moon is?" She asked the two others.
Doria took the world shattering news with more grace then most. Nodding she placed down her crayons and picked up the stuffed Alfa 117 Canine and went to the wall away from the two so she curled curl on the floor. "Mistress Reeza orders Mistress Soja to nap when news is given that can cause 'upset'. This one will initiate nap." Doria closed her eyes and went into standby mode. In short her version of sleep.
When Doria stopped her coloring and proceeded to curl up on the floor, Rayek knew that he'd seriously overestimated how resilient the android was to such news.
He looked to Soja. "I think it's a dark grey." he answered before explaining the situation to the young girl. "Soja, I've unintentionally upset Doria, so I'm going to go sit by her to help comfort her, okay? You can continue coloring." He offered a slight sad smile before getting up from the floor.
Soja nodded; she'd heard Doria's words and agreed that naps were good when you were sad. Or grumpy.
He grabbed the thick and heavy throw blanket from the back of the sofa to place overtop of Doria's curled form. Then sat down beside her. "I'm sorry to have upset you," he said quietly, unsure if she was even aware of her surroundings in 'nap mode'. Still he laid a hand on her back comfortingly and gently rubbed to offer some connection.
Doria's sensors still registered as she felt the blanket. She by nature did not get 'cold' but the engulfing nature of a blanket brought back soothing memories of the Choraii. It was comforting. Registering the hand on her back her eyes slightly opened hearing the Lieutenant Commander and slowly inching up a little bit so her head was resting on his knee. She said nothing but he likely could feel moisture from coolant dripping from her eyes. "The Masters.. are gone. Who will be my Masters now? My programming demands I serve a Master. By the regulations of the Slaver Empire, 'Discarded artificials become property of the finders'. That makes the away team my Masters. Them and any they deem." She cuddled the stuffed animal close giving it a soft kiss before whispering. "Please focus on Mistress Soja. This one is fine." She wasn't but sentients come first.
When Doria moved to rest her head on his knee, he changed from rubbing her back to gently stroking her beautiful orange hair (he never understood the term 'red head'). He felt her 'tears' and continued to try to sooth her.
After awhile he listened as she spoke and explained how HE and the others of the Away Team were her Masters now. He wasn't surprised that she would ask him to put priority to Soja.
He glanced towards the young girl coloring. "Soja is fine. You are not." Then he responded to her earlier statement. "Rather than Masters, I think most of us on the ship would prefer to be considered Caretakers. Those who will look after your well-being, and teach you to be self-sufficient and a part of the ship's community."
Soja looked behind her at the man and android. She understood what was happening-kind of-in that Doria was sad, and Rayek was trying to soothe her. "My mommy gives us snacks when we're sad sometimes." She offered, her voice loud, but her eyes still on her coloring page. She flipped to the back, where there were blank sheets where she was supposed to draw Bajor and color it herself, to demonstrate what she learned. Instead, she drew a cat, which she would give to Doria later.
Hearing Soja's suggestion, he wondered if she was hungry and merely saying that to get an early snack. He knew he tended to avoid food when he despaired.
Doria turned slightly to look up to Rayek as coolant continued to stream down her cheeks. She continued to nuzzle her head to his hand finding comfort in the action but then spoke, "Everyone.. all the Sirs and Ma'ams, Masters and Mistress's, and Caretakers.. wants this one to live on there own. After half an eon of being alone..." She looked to him and whimpered, "I am afraid to be alone."
"I did not say for you to be alone. I said self-sufficient, so that you can be independent. Independence is about choosing whom you allow to be a part of your life. You will have many people helping you. You don't have to be alone."
"Thank You... I..", she shook her head. "This one is calmer.. this one just needs a few moments to rest. Please tend to Mistress Soja, this one worries she may be hungry." The android girl closed her eyes and shivered once before laying still but no longer 'worried'.
This time Rayek nodded. "I'll prepare you both something to eat... you can have yours whenever you are ready." He lingered a moment longer, his hand resting on her silky hair. Then gently he slid his knee out from under her head, replacing it with a bundle of blanket, before standing up and moving back over to where Soja was still coloring. "I think it's snacktime. Do you want to continue coloring or help me select a healthy snack?"
If he were back on the Amalthea, on Katra or on Meridian, he'd have access to a full kitchen. But as yet, here on Lionheart, Rayek had yet to make the request for the changes to his quarters. What was the point of a kitchen when he barely ate? Cooking was meant to be a shared activity - at least in his experience. Besides he wasn't likely to be here long enough to warrant upgrading his quarters with a stove or oven.
Doria nestled her head on the bundle and went into a deep standby mode. Her thoughts which had been her only companion for so long drifted to the factory reset and pre memories. She thought of her time with the Choraii and how they would sing to her as the winds of space went threw the gel like bodies of the aliens. She thought of the colony before the Choraii took her. She remembered the time in the pens on Exo-III waiting to be chosen. How she was chosen over others because one of the Masters found her pleasing to gaze upon. Then a memory came from the newer times, waking up and seeing the away team and Master Rayek. This memory she hoped she could hold onto forever.
Soja looked up carefully at the man. "I would wike that, but my mommy won't wet me use the repwicator by myself." She told him. "Are we going to go back to your house?"
Rayek shook his head at Soja's question, though he smiled, taking her question to mean she enjoyed his Holodeck program. "No, we're going to eat here. As for the replicator, your mother is correct you don't use replicators without an adult present and overseeing." Rayek specified adult - because he recalled one time when he and Latihk as young teens had been wanting to go riding on Latihk's father's hoverbike - the rule had been to not go out alone. Rayek and Latihk when caught doing so without his father present, had tried to argue that when they were together riding they weren't 'alone'. Both had gotten the strap for intentionally misinterpreting the rule.
"That said, I am here and I will overseeing to make your you operate the unit safely. So let's try this together." As he explained this he set a chair in front of the replicator unit so that Soja could have a better view of the display screen. "Here. This screen is where we can input our choice. Most replicators work by either voice command or by touch. For example.. "Display health snack selection - Human."
Doria shivered as a memory of the Branchers, or Crystaline Entities as there now called destroyed the Cheron colony she was in. But the Choraii were never far behind to scoop up the survivors. She remembered her parents faces and then sat up gently. She rubbed her eyes and laid back down not wishing to disrupt the education of Mistress Soja.
Soja stood on the chair. She wanted to touch ALL of the buttons-probably why her mother didn't let her do this alone. The screen displayed a variety of snacks. She smiled. "Can I have some berries, pwease, and this thing?" She pointed to a yogurt container. "My mommy is making Hesperat stew for dinner so I can't eat too much," she said. "I think Doria would wike the same thing." She said. "We don't wike appos (apples)," she said, making a face.
Rayek stood beside Soja's chair an arm ready to grab hold of the child should she become unstable, but allowing her to a bit of freedom to do this on her own. At her request for berries and yogurt, Rayek nodded approving of the suggestion. "Go ahead and select them. Two of each"
Doria remained laying down but she could see what was being requested. Not wishing to be a bother she softly said, "No yoghurt for me please Daddy."
Hearing Doria's misspeak, Rayek's pulse quickened and his head lifted from watching Soja. Should he correct her? The Romulan looked over towards Doria. Curled in her bundle of blankets she looked so vulnerable. No. He couldn't. Not at that moment.
Needing to offer Doria a response, Rayek smiled and commented. "I'll eat the extra yogurt then."
Soja took the items out as they appeared, and carefully handed them, one by one, to the Romulan. "Doria, are you ready??" She asked, her tone still quiet, recognizing this wasn't the time for loudness and crazy fun. She was a smart, empathetic child. "Mommy won't wet us eat on the fwoor." She explained.
Doria slowly wiggled free of the blankets and proceeded to fold each perfectly before lifting them in a stack to walk over and place on the couch like a good girl. She then walked over to the two with her eyes lowered, "I understand Mistress Soja, I am.. up." She then looked to Rayek, "Thank you for comforting me Daddy. I needed it.." She looked to the kitchen table and walked to it sitting down having analyzed it would be the best place to have a snack.
Rayek, having accepted the drink and snack items from Soja, stood by the replicator waiting for Soja and Doria to sit down to eat. However, his attention was caught once more by the fact that Doria referred to him as Daddy. Oh dear. He would need to definitely correct this the first opportunity that they were alone. He didn't wish to have Doria misunderstand. He set the food and drinks on the table. Then sat alongside Soja and Doria.
The Romulan didn't know if Soja's mother was religious at all, but he figured it wouldn't be harmful to strengthen an appreciative mindset. He lowered his head slight. "I give thanks to the Elements and to those that made this meal possible. Hann'yyo" Then to the girls he smile. "Eat up."
Doria lifted her wrists above her head crossed in an x while lowering her head. "This one thanks the Masters for giving this one purpose and allowing this one to serve them." She puts her hands down and smiles as she eats some berries, "This one finds these berries very... delicious."
Soja put her head down, as they would if they were talking to the Prophets. When he said to eat, she did, carefully picking one up with her fingers and putting it in her mouth to test it. Very good! "I think so, too, Doria," she said. "Do you want a strawberry?" She said, as Doria's mixed berries were missing one. Maybe she had given it to Rayek? "I forgot you can't eat yogurt, Doria. I am sorry. Do you want a different snack? Mommy will make the soufflé but we can have a snack if it's heafy." She nodded.
Rayek smiled and nodded approvingly of Soja's generosity and thoughtfulness. It was a mindset that he needed to work on. Tess' influence had helped with that a lot.
Doria carefully took the strawberry with a smile, "Thank You Mistress Soja and it is no worries, Yoghurt.. does not settle with this one." She looked to Rayek, "Thank you for allowing Mistress Soja and this one to visit today and have this time Daddy."
A third misspeak. He definitely needed to rectify this but was concerned about what it might do. She obviously needed an authority figure for her programming. Was being called Daddy better than Master? For outward appearances, yes it most definitely was. However, Rayek was concerned for his own mental health - taking on the role of father-figure only to have to leave at some point.
Soja looked confusedly at the man for a moment, but returned quietly to her snack, using the yogurt as a dip of sorts for her berries. "I remember now. I am sorry." She repeated. "Yes, thank you. Is he your daddy? Why do you stay with us, then? Before my daddy...went to the Prophets, he was wiving with us but now it's just me and Mommy."
Doria listened to Soja and lowered her head sadly before she looked to Rayek longingly. But she said nothing, letting her eyes say everything as she looked to him almost ready to cry.
Soja's question brought everything to the surface and Rayek honestly didn't know how to respond for the longest time, and seeing the quiet longing and near tears on the verge of spilling from Doria's eyes didn't help any. Rayek had to look away before focusing on Soja. "No, I am not." He answered honestly, but then continued "However, I am one of her caretakers. Her calling me Daddy is an endearment that she uses to show how much she appreciates my care of her."
With an aching in his chest, he looked then to Doria. "Hann'yyo I am honored to be considered a father-figure to you. I will continue to look after you to the best of my ability while I am here." It was the most that he could offer.
He opened up his arms to welcome a hug should she wish to. He certainly could use one as he blinked back tears.
Doria hugged and held to Rayek, sobbing against him as she stayed close and tight. Looking up she whimpered.
Rayek wrapped his arms carefully about her small frame, blinking back yet more tears. Afterwards, he released her and nodded with a smile before he urged the girls to eat some more.
Doria obediently went back to the food and continued eating quietly.
The buzz of his comm badge was a welcome distraction.
Reeza tapped the comms badge, just once. She didn't want to bother the trio, but she was curious-it was the longest amount of time that Soja had spent away from her in awhile besides at school or being watched by Lt. Campbell's wife. ==/\== Sir, this is Cuyu Reeza. Are the children ok? Behaving? I know we agreed to another hour, but I can come now...==/\== She was lying down in the bed in her room; she hadn't napped but lying in the dark and silence had been refreshing.
At receiving the call Rayek stood up from the table and tapped his ear bud comm, moving a short distance so that he could speak privately without being disruptive to the girls who were still eating. =/\= "Hello Ms. Cuyu. Yes the children are alright and have been behaving." =/\= He paused a moment and lowered his tone a little further, he could have went full silent mode but didn't think the situation warranted that. =/\= "There was a moment unfortunately that came up that required me to divulge to Doria about her homeplanet. The news... was distressing for her... but she appears to be recovering from the shock. If you would like to come over. You are of course, welcome at any time. The girls are just having a healthy snack at the moment." =/\=
Reeza smiled at the news, but her smile was quick to fade. ==/\==I will head over in a few minutes; thank you, sir. I know Doria was looking forward to it.==/\== She sighed. Maybe she'd bit off more than she could chew, offering to care for Doria. It seemed like every day, something new happened and it was her fault. She had put the Commander in the tough spot of explaining to Doria what had happened to her home planet-it was gone-and she wasn't there to comfort her like a mother would. She knew Romulans weren't exactly known for their warmth, though Reeza recognized that Rayek tried. She stood up and slipped her shoes on-she was still dressed in her same outfit after her nice long bath-simple linen pants and a plain colored t-shirt, curly hair tied back. She headed for the turbolift, taking her comms badge and an extra stuffed animal and headed for trLhoell's quarters.
While Rayek waited for Reeza to arrive, he went to the replicator and prepared a sampling of berries and yogurt for the other adult.
He greeted the woman with a smile and welcomed her to his 'home'. "Please have a seat with the children. I've prepared you a snack so you can join us while we eat."
Doria looked to Reeza and had visibly been crying from the puffyness around her eyes. She spoke up though, "This one hopes Mistress Reeza was able to have pleasant relaxation time?"
Reeza smiled when Rayek let her in. "Thank you, Commander. Children." She settled in next to Soja. "Yes, Doria. I was. How was your afternoon? Did you have a good time? Commander trLhoell said that you got some upsetting news. You seem to be ok now. Do you want to talk about it?" She asked. "It is alright if you don't want to. You don't have to tell me everything, just that you are OK now." She smiled when Rayek handed her the snack. "I appreciate it."
"This one has found the news extremely distressing. But this one went to nap as you have done when Mistress Soja is distressed. This one has also stated a desire that Mr Rayek be my Daddy. I would very much like this.", Doria stated looking to Reeza. Her entire speech mannerisms changing mid sentence when speaking of Rayek.
Rayek should have known that Doria would be blunt and honest about her view of the situation. He tried to clarify. "Her programming requires Masters of a sort in order to function. Authority figures - like a Mother or Father. As her two closest caretakers, you and I have become those authority figures. She calls you Mommy, and today she began calling me Daddy."
Reeza sighed. The implications of that could be very damaging. She looked to the Commander and then to Doria. She didn't know what to say or do; there's wasn't anything in her training that had prepared her for this, and nothing in her motherhood journey (so far) that had helped, either. "We can discuss how that might work," she said. It was all she could think of. "I am glad that Commander trLhoell was able to let you nap and have a snack." She smiled, and touched Doria's hair in a comforting manner. Maybe R'elle would have an answer for her. She'd ask later.
Doria gently nuzzled Reeza's hand more affectionately then she normally would.
"I appreciate you including Soja in the afternoon; next time, if you'd like to take Doria alone, that is fine." She didn't need any one thinking she was absconding her duties. Or worse.
Rayek inclined his head slightly at the Lieutenant's appreciation, but smiled shaking his head. "I enjoyed both their company, so I welcome Soja anytime. My only regret is that we didn't get to go to the Astrometrics lab like I had offered to them after snack. Unless you would be willing to delay your leave-taking and instead come with us?" There was a slight hopeful lilt to his voice as he spoke. He truly was enjoying spending time with the children.
She noticed Doria nuzzling her harder than she did last time. She was upset. All Reeza could offer as comfort was a hug. She hugged Doria to her as she nodded. “Astrometrics sounds fun! What do you think, ladies?” She asked. “You must join us for dinner afterwards. Hesperat soufflé. It’s Bajor’s national dish.” She smiled lightly. “I always make too much. The girls will only eat it one extra time.” She explained.
At Reeza's agreement to allow the Astrometrics visit continue, Rayek's smile grew wider. He nodded at the offer of dinner afterwards... even if it was hasperat, a food he had avoided ever since his days in the Academy. "Excellent! We will finish up eating; clean up, then we can head over."
Rayek, who had yet to touch any food for himself, stirred the yogurt that Doria had declined around for a bit. Then after just a single bite, that didn't settle well in his stomach, Rayek claimed he was done and gathered his bowl and spoon, and brought them to the recycler.
Doria having finished her berries takes the stems and plate to the recycler and asks, "May this one ask. Please take Mistress Soja and go with Master Rayek, Mistress Reeza. This one begs to nap alone until Your return and the preparation of foodstuffs. If allowed?"
Doria's request to remain behind came as a bit of a disappointment to the Romulan, who had been hoping to get Doria out to see a few places. The incident with Ryan had pointed out to the Romulan that he shouldn't keep the android so secluded. Yet if she didn't wish to go, his reason for suggesting the trip was moot.
"Thank you for being considerate, Doria. But I suggested the outing for all of us. We can wait for the Astrometrics tour until you are feeling up for it. There will be many opportunities for more outings, I am sure." Rayek looked to Reeza for confirmation of this decision.
Doria realized her error and quickly stated, "This one is fine for the trip, please disregard this ones earlier statement. A false diagnostic, this one will run a check on said subsystems. This one is ready to go to Astrometrics Master and Mistress's."
The Romulan frowned slightly as the android 'lied'. While he understood that her program was merely attempting to compensate and rectify for his disappointment, Rayek wasn't less happy that once more she was putting the well-being of others before herself.
"No." He stated firmly. "You will nap for at least an hour, and only after that time will we discuss possibly going for that tour." Rayek then looked to Reeza. "My apologies for taking over like this, but her programming will put priority to our wants above her own needs. She can rest here while Soja continues coloring and we talk or if you feel she will rest better in your quarters then I will see you home and we can reschedule the Astrometrics."
Reeza had also recognized the android's quick turnaround, and nodded once at the man. "I agree with Commander trLhoell. You can rest for an hour, and we'll reassess things." She said. "I don't mind staying; too much moving around may overwhelm her further." She glanced at Soja, who had long abandoned her snack and was playing instead with her stuffed cat. "Soja, please return your things for recycling," she said, quietly. "Doria, are you finished?" She asked. "Same thing." She turned back to Rayek. "If that's an OK plan, I am fine with it. Doria will start at the school on Monday, so after this weekend, she'll have less availability to do things like that."
Doria obediently took her food items to the recycler before returning. Considering her options she curled on the floor near the feet of her new Master and Mistress. She was unsure what to do, the Masters were superior to all. But now they were gone... However something inside her programming felt more comfortable and happy with her two new Masters, Rayek and Reeza. Closing her eyes she powered down curled on the floor going into standby mode so that her mind could reinforce to handle the fears she had about her creators being gone.
Rayek was already aware of the plans for schooling. He'd been asked to review the request. While he thought that an education was important, bringing Doria up to speed with the last half an eon, he wasn't certain a classroom setting was best, but he was willing for her to try it. If that didn't work, Rayek would speak to the Captain about allowing Doria limited access the database and perhaps assigning her as junior cadet.
The Romulan looked to Reeza and nodded. "That works for me." However the moment Doria attempted to settle down at their feet, curling up on the floor, Rayek knelt, scooped her up in a cradle carry and brought her to the couch, where he set her down carefully and spread the throw blanket on her once more. "No sleeping on the floor. Use a couch or a bed when they are available. That's what they are designed for. If you are uncertain where to nap. Ask."
Doria awoke when lifted and processed everything told to her. "Acknowledged Daddy." She then curled with a happy smile on the couch as covered and instantly drifted away to a pleasant standby mode.
Once she was settled and Soja was back at her coloring, Rayek returned to the table once more to sit across from Reeza. "Prior to her attendance at school we need to lay out certain rules for Doria, such as who has authority over her and what to do when dealing with requests from those who don't have authority. I can foresee the children discovering her usual obedience of anything requested of her and them taking advantage of it - to do any number of inappropriate or risky things. Mr. Mackenzie's tree climbing is just the 'tip of the iceberg' as the saying goes."
Reeza let out a sigh. "I's hard for me to limit it to "adults" because Doria is older than both of us combined. So maybe spelling out the specific adults-you, myself, Counselor R'Elle, Dr. Klarth, the Captain, XO, and Tchulkla, and of course, the Teacher. I usually have either Lt. Farrar's wife or Petty Officer Ube Choyo's teenaged daughter watch Soja; I think extending that to Doria after school until one of us can get off duty is a good idea." She crossed to the replicator. "May I?" She liked to indulge in sweets when she was stressed or nervous. "Please, share your input, I can hear you."
At Reeza's request to use the replicator, Rayek nodded and then discreetly had the computer unlock his replicator. He'd installed a user lock on it not long after he'd been assigned the room. Her prompt for his input, had him pensive for a long moment. "I agree that specific authorized individuals might be best, and I agree with most of your list. However, I will want to vet the teacher, wife and daughter you mention." Rayek, only having been a part of the crew for about a week, did not know all the individuals aboard the Lionheart yet.
Reeza replicated herself a pastry, and bit into it savagely. It was one of the few comforts she allowed herself-like the Romulan, she was mostly "by the book", as well-though that may be more leant to her age and still being a bit in love with the Federation as opposed to a natural predisposition. She didn't know. All she knew was that a chocolate filled croissant would right her wrongs-at least for the moment. She held it out for Rayek, in case he wanted any. Did Romulans even eat chocolate?! They seemed too square for that.
He considered adding in all security personnel, not just Tchulka but the incident yesterday with Ensign Mackenzie only proved that not all Security members could be trusted with her care. "I'll want another one or two trusted Security members to that list." Higher ranked personnel might not always be available for Doria to seek out due to mission obligations, so having a few junior officers in her list of trust personnel could be helpful. Rayek just wasn't sure Lt Cuyu would agree with his choice. "I'd like to add Ensign Mackenzie to the list if you will allow. I've spoken to him - and I believe he will be more protective than most with Doria."
At her offering of food, Rayek gave slight negative shake of his head. "I'm not hungry, thank you" Which was true enough, he lack all appetite. He ate the bare minimum - sometimes even less than that in a day. The fact that the croissant contained chocolate was just one more reason to avoid it. As with Vulcans, he suffered the same intolerance to the toxic substance.
She sighed. "I trust that he learned from his mistake...but if it happens again, I will not be as forgiving. He seems interested in her, in a big-brother type of way. Counselor R'elle has suggested that perhaps I am a bit...overprotective of the children. I try not to be, but at least Soja is all I have." She looked so much like her late husband that it nearly hurt to look at her, but Rayek didn't need to know that. She moved to the table, settling down. "Please, sit. I am a bit concerned about her lying just you think that's a pre-programmed response? That she feels like she'll be in trouble if she lets us down? I try to tell her that making her own choices and having autonomy isn't going to disappoint me-us-but...I think it's difficult for her to hear it." She paused to swallow another bite. "And I would appreciate it if you clamped down on this "daddy" business. I worry that she'll imprint too hard to you, and then when you leave...who will be responsible to pick up those pieces? Me. I can't provide a father figure for her, I understand that..but maybe steer her to someone more permanent." Reeza sighed. She wasn't trying to be mean, she just worried about Doria's future feelings and well-being. As well as her own-if she said she didn't find the Romulan a bit interesting, she'd be lying. Another bite of her chocolate treat-it was nearly gone, but at least she'd slowed down- and she indicated she was done talking.
Rayek nodded and would have offered his own perspective on Mr. Mackenzie's interest for friendship with Doria, but Lt Cuyu's unexpected request for him to sit - while in his own quarters - was a bit distracting; still he sat and listened as expressed her concern for Doria's lying. He nodded again. "Somewhat." he answered when she asked if he thought it was a pre-programmed response. The fact that Doria had initially requested to remain behind was actually notable. It showed that she at least had some autonomy.
He was about to comment on this when Reeza made a request that at first stunned the Romulan, but as the woman spoke and made her justification, it was completely sound. He'd been initially worried about his own well-being in taking on the 'father-figure' role but he should have been thinking of Doria.
But then as he considered who might be an alternate he realized that it really didn't matter. "I understand your concern. However you cannot protect her from that sense of loss - no matter who is selected. Doria is designed to survive millennia. Everyone, except for perhaps Mr. Mackenzie, will be gone from her life eventually. In my case, I can at least prepare her for my leaving when the time comes and it can a learning experience for her, preparing her for when other losses will happen in her life. However, you are the mental specialist. If you feel my assessment is wrong, then I will abide by your request and step down as her caretaker." The words were spoken calmly but inside Rayek felt distraught at the thought of possibly having to avoid Doria during the remainder of his time on the Lionheart.
Maybe it was for the best? If he felt this way after just a few short days, how difficult would it be for him to leave after two weeks? or a month? or a year?
Reeza was quiet for a few moments. She was thinking, but she was also destroying the remainder of the pastry. With a strange series of movements, she ate first the flaky outer crust, then the chocolate filling. Finally, she looked Rayek fully in the eye. "I suppose you're right." Her own mortality was more present in her mind than it was for most people-Luca's death had solidified that idea in her mind. She wanted to cry, but that wasn't becoming, so instead... she sighed, and nodded. "I know that I will die before both of the girls. You don't need to tell me. I understand death better than most. And I also know matter when, it will be time for Doria to eventually fly the proverbial coop into a different situation-I have promised to be her main caretaker as long as she needs me, but how long WILL she need me? She is, technically, 50,000 years old. I know. I am aware. She will outlive me by another 50,000 years if all goes well. BUT what about if SHE doesn't want to live it? What if she CHOOSES to be decommissioned after some time?" These are things that Reeza thought about in the wee hours of the morning, while the children slept and she drank coffee in the dark silence. She KNEW. She wondered if she could have another pastry. But she was distracting herself. She looked back at Rayek, and then behind her at Doria. "It wouldn't be fair to her if I insisted because I am uncomfortable with having to teach her difficult things." She let go of the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "She will begin to see Counselor R'Elle on Monday, at her request. I will ask R'Elle for some resources, as well." She said. It would be SO much easier if they had more answers. Too much was in the air. She hated that.
Rayek watched with trepidation as Reeza considered his words. She didn't answer for a long time, instead finishing off the snack she'd ordered for herself. Her silence was worrying and he had to quell the urge to pace as he waited for her to respond. Finally she spoke, agreeing with him; but her agreement didn't give him an answer as to whether he would remain as Doria's 'father figure' or not. Instead, she focused on her own situation- her own potential death and her concern that Doria might choose to seek decommissioning after her death. Rayek had his doubts about that. He suspected that Doria's creators would have programmed some tolerance for that type of loss, since they created her to live among other shorter lived civilizations for generations. He thought about mentioning this to Reeza, but she came to her decision without him having to offer more justification. He nodded, grateful that he could still be a part of Doria's day to day experience. Any sense of loss he might feel after he had to leave would be worth having her enrich his life now.
"Thank you, Reeza. I will do my best to prepare Doria for the eventually we both worry about." He rose then from his seat to go to the replicator to order himself a tea. "Can I get you something more?"
"No, thank you." She said. She may have needed a sweet item for comfort but she didn't overdo it. Everything she did was in moderation. "I appreciate it, though. Was Cuyu Soja well behaved?" She usually was, but still. Reeza worried about how her parenting was perceived by others. She was young, and it bothered her to think that people may judge her because Soja sometimes acted like a four year old was SUPPOSED to act. Reeza, though, didn't have time to tolerate a lot of nonsense. She was serious, anyway, and raised her daughter that way. She did sometimes worry if she raised her to be TOO serious, but on the other hand, everyone always praised Soja's manners and demeanor, so she figured she wasn't doing TOO badly. "We're working on not just public manners, but interacting with other races and species as she moves throughout this new posting. We have a bigger mix here than the Arcadia; that one was HEAVILY human, and while that's ok, different races expect different levels of manners. I'm just hoping that "be polite and kind" is enough for now; she's only four-nearly five-but still." Reeza usually over-explained; a thing she was working on.
Miss Reeza's change of subject was welcome after that emotionally charged moment. "I have yet to see Soja be anything other than well-behaved." Rayek answered her. "She is far less of a handful than my siblings were at her age, though perhaps that is just because I was only 5 years senior than my eldest younger sibling; and Kemala was quite the headstrong child. Perhaps it is true what they say about middle children acting out to gain attention. It certainly held true for my sister." Rayek chuckled recalling the many times Kemala would burst into his room without knocking and demand that he play tag with her and Telmuk. No amount sibling threat would dissuade her. Rayek eventually learned to just get the childish games over with so that he could return to his studies.
Returning to the table Rayek sat and sipped at his chai tea. It was his favorite beverage, even beating out alcoholic ones. In pre-emptive concern over his heart rate and blood pressure due to his stress levels, his previous doctors had stipulated a reduction in his caffeine intake - forcing Rayek to limit himself to one chai a day. Without Tess present to remind and offer other options, Rayek found it harder to keep to that limit aboard Lionheart. This was his second cup today, however he felt justified in
Reeza sighed a sigh of relief. "Great. I am glad. Not that she would be punished-I am not a monster-just that we'd need to focus more effort. It was easier when her father was around...he was definitely much less...tightly wound than I am." Reeza understood her own shortcomings-they were on a growing list of things she wanted to work on improving about herself. She almost went on, but it wasn't the time, so instead, she changed the subject again.
Rayek nodded. He understood that raising a child alone was not easy. Which was why Rayek was so desperate to return home to his family. Not that Tess was truly alone. She had her three brothers on the Amalthea, as well his own visiting sister to help raise Fvienn. Still it was where he belonged and he needed to return there sooner rather than later, if at all possible.
Reeza, however, seemed to have fewer familial supports close to her. So Rayek was glad to help while he was here.
"Going back to your earlier comments-I don't think that any of the staff or civilians would have any problems with whatever security check you want to do, but they ARE fully vetted. After all, I wouldn't want anything to happen to Soja, either, along with Doria. Still, whatever you need to do to put your mind at ease-I will support. And anything else I can do to help you make a caretaker relationship with Doria easier, too. Just let me know." She offered. She glanced to the corner where Soja sat, coloring and playing with her stuffed cat. "I DO suppose it's a middle child thing; I was the middle child, and besides the after-effects of the war, I was definitely an outgoing child." What had changed? Trauma. Disillusionment. Loss. Probably more things. "If you ask my older brother, he'd probably commiserate with you, though he was smart enough to enlist the help of his various girlfriends to assist in keeping me occupied. Bajorans aren't a race that are promised from birth, BUT he was always quite the ladies man." She was just trying to fill the silence at this point-she liked silence, but not the uncomfortable, awkward kind that whatever THIS was produced.
The Romulan appreciated that she understood and tolerated his need to vet the individuals himself. He recognized it as a manifestation of his long standing paranoia – his worry that the Tal’Shiar were after him. Not that he had been wrong. But in this place and time, none of his traitorous decisions had been made yet. There should be no one looking for him here, but his mind would not let him accept that fact.
When Reeza mentioned she was a middle child, Rayek frowned, seeming puzzled - from having read her personnel record the evening that Doria was placed with her, he’d believed that Reeza was the youngest of 3. Perhaps he’d misread? He made a mental note to check on that later.
After that Rayek’s attention was drawn to the small bit of Bajoran cultural information that he had never known before. Arranged marriages were not common on Romulus. Mainly it was reserved for those of status. Rayek, while growing up, had never imagined there would come a day when the Lhoell family would ever rise to status, given a certain ancestor’s betrayal back in the 23rd century. However his father, Talen tr’Lhoell, born Khellian - the 5th son of a lower ranked administrator, managed to bring his wife’s family name out from dishonor to respect, rising from civic office worker, to civic representative in Rayek’s teen years, to the position of Senator in the aftermath of Shinzon’s brief rule – and then Proconsul shortly after that. With such a staggering rise in status, Rayek should have known that his earlier freedom to choose whom he married was no longer true.
“Be glad Bajor doesn’t do arranged marriages.” He commented a bit sourly.
His assumption caused quite the ruckus when his unknown-to-him betrothed arrived on the USS Amalthea 10 years after Hobus’ destruction, to Challenge the validity of his marriage to Tess. That had only been last year and was still partially unresolved. That had also been when his brother had attempted to kill him, and Rayek had ignored orders to attempt retaliation. That one act had nearly destroyed his marriage. Rayek frowned at the recollection.
Doria whimpered in her standby. She was obviously asleep but semi troubled with her hand reaching out as if seeking her stuffed animal. The small android girl was trembling as if something bad was replaying in her memory banks.
The whimper drew Rayek’s attention and brought his thoughts out from such unpleasant remembrances. When he saw her hand feeling about, he looked about for the toy she’d brought over with her, spotting it at the other end of the couch where she’d folded the blanket earlier. He set his tea down and rose from his seat to fetch it for her.
Reeza was simply watching Rayek, deep in thought. She nodded at his murmurings, nervously tapping her left foot against the base of the table. It wasn't loud, but it would be annoying if you could pick up on the vibrations she made. She was a quiet woman who kept mostly to herself, so small talk didn't come easily to her. It was a small wonder she'd managed to meet and marry once, though it was more or less because Luca pursued HER, not the other way around. "I couldn't imagine not being able to choose a mate," she murmured.
Doria's stirring was a welcomed distraction. She was nearly on her feet, but the Romulan beat her to it. She let him go and comfort her, though it was difficult for her to not follow behind. She sat back down, thinking.
When he returned, she smiled. "Is she OK? When she starts at the school, even if it's not Monday, perhaps we should have some kind of backstory prepared that she can give? The other children are SURE to notice that she's a bit...corrigible and different. Maybe she's 7, from a planet we can invent? They shouldn't necessarily know that she isn't my daughter or not, though I am sure Soja will make the suggestion that she's her sister." Reeza would have to disabuse both girls about that idea. "Do you have any ideas?"
Rayek nodded at the counselor's question of if she was okay. "She's fine" he answered, even as Reeza continued on speaking about planning for when Doria was at school. However, her suggestion that they invent a false backstory earned a slight frown. He understood her desire for the falsehood but couldn't agree to it. "I think there is no justification for needing to lie to the children. How would it seem if the children are told that she's 7 and then then overhear from their parents that she's actually over an half eon? And it will seem like there is a problem with her being that age when there is not. Let Doria be Doria. The children will adapt."
Reeza's blue eyes grew stormy, but it passed after a moment. "It's not a lie, per se. Have you ever experienced something where someone-say, your wife!-asked you if an outfit looked well on them, and you said it did to spare their feelings? Even if it did not necessarily look good or you didn't have an opinion?" Of course he hadn't, Reeza. "Anyway. Children are...mean. They have been since the dawn of time, and will continue to be so until the Prophets end us all." She said. "But..if you feel like she can handle ridicule, then by all means...we can do that." She kept her tone even, though she was full of doubt. "I just...want her to be ok. She will have enough to sort through-I imagine school is a new experience after a half-Eon." She shrugged. She didn't know what time was like 50,000 years ago, after all. "But also...would random folks on the ship even KNOW?" The thought made her uncomfortable, though she couldn't name the why of it.
Rayek recognized instantly by Reeza's stormy look that he'd offended her by calling the lie a lie. She tried to pan it off as a 'white lie' - a lie with good intentions, and then asked if he'd ever done so. But before he could answer, she spoke again this time using a different tactic in an attempt to sway his decision. Pointing out children were mean and that Doria would be subjected to ridicule. The counselor, a woman of psychology, phrased each statement in a manner that hinted at blame should there problems.
He listened and waited, sipping his tea, for her to finish before addressing each of her statements.
"Yes, it is a lie; and yes, I've spoken more lies in my life than most I would imagine. Including the 'harmless white lie' you imply. However, it is not harmless the moment it is discovered and the other realizes you didn't trust them enough to speak truthfully to them." Rayek had learned this the hard way with both Tess, and Lek - his best friend among Starfleet. Now, he just did his best to avoid lying altogether. If he couldn't answer someone honestly, it was best he didn't answer at all.
"I wouldn't say children are mean but rather they say and do hurtful things in order to determine hierarchy. Humanoids are a social animal and as such will test others to determine where in that social order that person is. Doria will need to learn these skills going to school just as much as she needs to learn the current star map."
"I also want Doria to be okay - but I don't think encouraging her to lie is the way to accomplish that. Yes, there will likely be days like today where her day won't go well," he was referring of course to his telling her about the fate of EXO-III. "But as long as she knows there are people who support her and accept her for who she is, she will recover."
He'd responded to each of her statements one by one until he came to the last - a question of would others on the ship know. "Of course, gossip travels fast on a starship and the Captain didn't classify her existence immediately, so yeah, the crew is bound to talk. Perhaps less so among the civilian populace but after 4 days, I'm certain I would be hard pressed to find someone among the crew who hasn't heard of her."
Reeza listened to his answers to each of her questions and statements, in order. "I'll speak to the Captain. But I assure you, it's purely out of a need to protect her. Perhaps you're TOO lax and I am TOO protective. Maybe I spoke too soon-it may be best to ask Doria what she prefers. I do forget she's technically a half-eon old. And I am sure you're right-she's been programmed to do any number of things. That doesn't mean she should." Reeza sighed. "When she reboots, let's ask her. Is that agreeable?" Her eyes darted to Soja again, to make sure the young girl was ok. She was still playing with the stuffed animals, and occasionally doodling on the coloring pages.
Rayek did his best to not show his annoyance at her stated intention of involving the Captain over this matter. The idea that he was too LAX was almost laughable to the Romulan. He had never before been accused of that flaw before. Usually, he is regarded as overly cautious to the point of paranoia. Though he disagreed with the counselor, he opted not to speak out and was somewhat relieved when she 'changed her mind' and instead suggested they seek Doria's preference. That seemed much more preferable in comparison to involving the Captain over so minor a detail. "Agreed."
Doria cuddled her toy out of instinct when she was in standby but it soothed some of the back replayed memories but not all after a short time she woke and sat up. Looking over to the two adults she said, "This one apologizes and begs mercy for the inconvenience of her standby need. Should she initiate her self punishment protocol for the inconvenience to Master and Mistress?"
Reeza looked up when Doria sat up, and turned around. "NO! It's never an inconvenience for you to rest. Do not initiate self-punishment!" Reeza tried not to sound exasperated. She knew it was her programming, but how many times would she need to explain it to Doria?! Truly, there was no rest for the weary.
Reeza's reaction to Doria's question was surprising. But he understood why. The idea of any being self-punishing was unwelcome though when he thought about it, he realized he didn't even know what self-punishment would entail.
"Doria, can you describe for me what manner of self-punishment you are programmed for?" Then he looked to Reeza, "I need to know, before I order her to shut that subroutine down. That should prevent her from offering such again."
"Yes Master. This may only be initiated in the presence of a Master, as offered before to the Tellerite Master after the interference this one did with Master Ryan. This one cannot do to alone or in a situation a Master would not be able on hand such as during the knowledge hunts this one had preformed. Punishment is to be offered when a Master or Mistress is around. This one stops the actions while a recording in this ones minds of the Master who created this one on the table plays. This one is repeatedly told this one is disappointing and a failure as well as that recycling can be a option for those found to have disappointed the Masters. In addition a massive electrical feedback is rerouted threw this ones body that lasts the entire thirty seconds of the punishment. This while the harm will be repaired with self repair will cause what this one can only describe as.. agony? When the thirty seconds ends this one will then shut down until manually reactivated by a Master.", Doria explained sitting on the couch cuddling her stuffed toy without worry as if describing how her day was.
As a former Tal'Shiar operative, Rayek knew there were worse punishments out there - having been required to apply them on occasion during his brief time with the Romulan intelligence agency; still he found the notion of self-punishment abhorrent. "So Doria, how may a Master override one your base programs? If I were to order you to never again offer or acknowledge an order to do self-punishment, would that negate the base programming?"
"You are a Master. Suggestions such as to refer to others in a way cannot override. Direct orders stated as a Master can override. If Master were to order this one as a Master to never again offer or to acknowledge self punishment that this one would do as ordered and never offer or do again until a time that you as the ordering Master were to rescind. This one will obey any order from Master. Syntax directive example. 'I Master Example hearby orders Example Unit to perform Example Action'. This one will then lock said order as a primary command and add to base programming defaults."
Rayek nodded his acknowledgement. A large part of him wanted to make that order right there, right then; but the Romulan knew such a decision was not his to make. It was the Captain's. "Thank you Doria. Hopefully soon we'll have the self-punishment protocol removed." He looked to Reeza next lest she decide to take things into her own hands. "We will bring this up with the Captain and she can decide if that is the course of action to take."
Reeza nodded. She did understand that that sort of thing was best left to Engineering and Sciences-after all, she didn't want to "break" Doria. "We can talk to Captain Wilson on Monday; we shouldn't bother her with this on her off time." Reeza may have been trained-and WILLING-to help people at all times, but she was cognizant of others' need to unplug and relax. "For now, please know that you've done nothing wrong. Are you feeling less upset? Shall we do Astrometrics, or do you want to continue to color until it is time for dinner?" Reeza asked.
Doria sat there cuddling the stuffed toy, "Self repair systems have re routed to reinforce against further emotional breakdowns from the demise of the...", a lubricant tear rolled down her cheek then she went on normally. "From the demise of the Masters. This one is eager for the Astrometrics outing but would ask to rescind this ones earlier request of seeing Exo-III."
Doria stopped talking a second and then looked to Rayek with wide twinkling eyes, "Master.. when you return to your dimension.. may I go with you? I will be obedient and can perform domestic tasks."
Rayek was glad when Reeza didn't immediately attempt to remove the protocol. He too was rather looking forward to the Astrometrics outing. He nodded his agreement to Doria's request, but before he could suggest she get ready, she asked him a question he was completely unprepared for.
"Doria, I don't think you comprehend what you are asking." He was wide-eyed at he looked to Reeza for help in dissuading the android. "You'd be leaving Mistress Reeza and Miss Soja and they would miss you terribly. Let us just worry about that for another day and enjoy the outing to Astrometrics."
Reeza, too, was a bit wide-eyed. She looked once at Doria and then at Rayek. "Commander...I think this may be a conversation that you and I, and perhaps the Captain or Lt. R'Elle should have first." She said, stepping in. She realized that Doria had "imprinted" on the man; likely on her, too, though to a lesser extent. To Doria, she spoke, getting on her knees to look the child in the eyes. "That is definitely a discussion we will all need to have, and one we cannot answer for you right now. Not just because of the fact that we'd miss you, but Commander trLhoell has a family and he'd need to discuss it with them, too, if possible. There are also practical things to discuss. But we will. You two can separately, then the three of us, as well as myself, the Commander, and the other adults responsible for your care. So it is not a "no", it's a "not right this second" answer. Is that amenable?" She asked.
Doria slowly nodded to Rayek with a look of disappointment before turning to look at Reeza in the eyes. The girl nodded again with slumped shoulders. "Yes Mistress this one understands fully. That is why this one offered to be a domestic servant rather then adopted by Master. This one.. will miss him terribly.. thank You for considering and yes this one understands. Later such will be discussed between the Masters and Mistress's and this one will abide the answer without question."
After Doria gave her answer, she smiled. "Please get your things together and get ready to go to the Astrometrics lab."
Doria gathered her supplies and helped Soja to put her supplies together before gathering her stuffed animal and juice bottle.
Rayek hadn't even considered what Tess would have thought. His concern had been for Miss Reeza and Soja, knowing how much they had grown to care for Doria. But he nodded his agreement to the counselor's suggestion that they speak with the Captain first before giving an answer. He lowered his head slightly having noticed Doria's disappointed look. It bothered him even more when she docilely agreed to abide by their decision without question... whatever it may be. She should have the right and the ability to question and argue for what she wanted - but her program hadn't be been designed for that. That she'd even made the initial request was somewhat of a surprise.
He sighed then, and put the topic aside, like he'd asked Doria to do. They had an Astrometrics visit to go on and he wanted Doria to enjoy it. While the girls gathered their gear, Rayek called ahead to let the crew on duty know that they were coming with some young VIPs for a tour. Then because he wanted to make up for disappointing and upsetting Doria, he held out his hand towards her in invitation to hold.
"Are we ready?"
Doria held the items she was let use as it would be wrong in her programming to think these items even the stuffed animal was hers. So carefully she held the items putting them in a small bag to make sure nothing gets misplaced while keeping the stuffed animal possessively albiet bordering on against programming under her arm. After this she looked to the offered hand and smiled taking it with a look of complete joy across her face.
Reeza nodded once, and led them out of the room. The ending had been uncomfortable, and a part of her wondered if she should've just kept out of it-had her presence triggered this for Doria?! Still, she had promised Doria to speak about it with the other adults and return an answer. She felt that Doria should be given a choice of what her future would hold, but wasn't sure if going with Rayek was the right answer. And not out of selfish needs of her own-in an ideal world, there would be another android or something that she could share a future of some kind with.
Signing Off:
Civ Doria, Foundling
Lt Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
Lt. Cuyu Reeza, Counselor