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On Our way

Posted on Sat Jul 8th, 2023 @ 4:12pm by Captain Linda Wilson & Commander Sandy "Phantom" Risa & Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell & Lieutenant Reeza Cuyu & Crewman Doria

2,411 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: A whole new world
Location: The Bridge
Timeline: Day 10 (after Doria's arrival and Mess Hall scene)


“Bridge to captain Wilson”
Linda tapped her combadge “Wilson here.”
“We have starfleet command on for you. They wish to speak to you.”
“Alright. I'll take it in my ready room.”


Ten minutes later she was in her ready room. She sat down and turned on the monitor. “Capt Wilson here.”
On screen was a caitian male, older as his fur was grey. “Admiral M'rey here. We appreciate your forthrightness captain.. I'm sure you can understand we need to take precautions.”
“Of course admiral. What precautions do you need?” Linda asked
“Well please meet the Enterprise at the following coordinates. We will scan you and you ship and verify your claims. If verified , the Enterprise will escort you to Starfleet Command”
“Fine with em Admiral. I appreciate the caution. One thing I need to let you know. We have a vulcanoid on our ship. His race are called Romulans. In our universe, they split off from the Vulcans millennia ago. I trust him implicitly and I'll make sure he submits to any scans you want. He's a good officer.”
“I see. If he submits willingly then that will be a big step in his favor. We have telepaths specially trained for this.”
“Understood sir. I'd be happy to meet the Enterprise! Anything else sir?”
“No Captain. If it all works out, I look forward to meeting you.”
Linda smiled “Thank you sir. I look forward to meeting you too!”
“Starfleet out!”
“Wilson to bridge. Lay in a course to the coordinates I'm sending you. Engage ASAP! We're to rendezvous with the Enterprise!”
“Aye Captain.”
'Wilson out!”

“Wilson to Rayek. Please report to my ready room as soon as you can.”

The call from the Captain came at the tail end of his time in the escape pod. He tapped his comm to answer her order. "Acknowledged Captain. I will be there shortly."

Five minutes later Rayek arrived at the Captain Ready Room and entered when the doors opened at his arrival. "Reporting as ordered, sir."

"Ok, ma'am or captain will do. Don't call me sir, please?"

"Yes, Captain."

"OK so we are underway to meet the Enterprise of this reality. I will need you and all vulcanoids to undergo a mind scan so they can confirm we are friendly. I'd rather not make it an order Rayek but I hope you understand why it needs to be done."

Rayek, who was usually rather quick with his acknowledgements was silent a long time. "I would suggest Captain, that we find some other means of ascertaining our 'friendliness' because an ordered scan of my mind will not portray what you need."

"Rayek, are you aware of what Vulcans are like in this universe? They are savage, aggressive and decidedly not friendly with the federation. They need to know you are one of the good guys and not one of the Vulcans from this universe. Do you understand?"

"I understand full well, Captain, and I am telling you if they scan far back enough in my mind, it would not produce the results you are wanting. I AM Romulan, Captain. My loyalty during the first 12 years of my career has been to the Empire and our methods have never been considered kind nor merciful."

"I see. I think I see you're point. So do you have any suggestions as to alternatives?"

Rayek considered a moment, before answering. "Being a telepath, myself, I could offer to share examples of my time among the Federation, and perhaps select moments from my time in the Romulan Star Navy... but it would be at my discretion what gets shared. Somehow, though, I doubt that will be considered acceptable. Alternatively, I could offer to be held under guard until such time as we are out of their dimension."

"We could do that! I hate to do it that way but we might have to! Still, I can't help feel if you are open and honest with them, it would be better but I see your point as well. Right now it looks like keeping you under guard may be the the only acceptable option. Rayek, I trust you. I want you to know that! I will vouch for you, for what it's worth!"

The Romulan inclined his head in acknowledgement of the Captain's stated trust. But in truth, they had known each other all of two days. What trust could there really be?

Rayek couldn't deny that he was somewhat disappointed that the Captain so readily agreed to his suggestion of placing him under guard. Neither Solluk nor Tess would have accepted that solution so eagerly... Mind you, he was much closer to both of them than he was to this Orion Captain. Perhaps, subconsciously, the Captain was relieved at the idea of having the Romulan element on the ship contained?

"If I may be dismissed, Captain, to prepare my department in advance of Enterprise's arrival."

"Of course Rayek! In the meantime think of any alternatives to you being under guard or in the brig. Dismissed!" Linda's mind was churning. Maybe under guard wasn't so bad. She could vouch for him. She would be willing to let them scan her mind. A quantum scan would reveal he isn't from this universe. That would go far and he hasn't committed any crime and he might be of help against these Vulcans! Maybe! Just maybe she could convince them to trust him.


Reeza was on the Bridge today; she was unsure where R'Elle was, but orders were orders so here she was. She sat a console between the Helmsman and the Radarman, waiting for a commanding officer to appear. She was offering her services today as mission advisor, a task she had done before but didn't usually like.

Sandy left their quarters silently and headed for the bridge. Beaming from ear to ear, she was finally grateful to find happiness in another's arms. The ride to the bridge was quick and arrived in no time. "Reeza how are you feeling today?" she asked, walking to take her customary seat.

Capt Wilson walked onto the bridge. "Ahh Risa, good. So looks like we're headed for a rendezvous with this universe's Enterprise. Ought to be interesting!" she said as she took her seat.

"Well I don't know if I will find it interesting but most definitely out of the ordinary. The Enterprise of this universe may be a very different class of starship that we are used to see, captain," Sandy said.

Rayek had exited from the Captain's Ready Room earlier, taking up his usual spot at Tactical, behind the command chairs.

Reeza gave him a quick nod, but quickly moved to the Captain's side. "Ma'am, anything I am needed for? I am not sure where Lt. R'Elle is, but perhaps she's a better choice?" Reeza was still unsure of her abilities on the Bridge; she was logically aware that she was capable. But emotionally? She felt like a child playing adult games. She liked the safety and refuge of her desk or the treatment room.

"No, The counselor is not needed at this time. However I would like the XO on the bridge. We will be meeting the enterprise tomorrow if all goes well. As for Rayek, I dunno if he'll be acceptable to these people. We'll have to see."

The Romulan glanced over towards the pair at having overheard his name. The woman with the Captain he recognized as being the counselor who had offered to take in the android earlier that morning. The woman's presence here on the bridge, made him glad that he'd assigned 24-Hr security to watch over Doria. Who knows what the android was doing right now? Between her presence on the ship and the odd Vulcanoid fear that the two locals from this dimension had, Rayek was not anticipating a good First Contact with this dimension's people.

Speaking of which, the Romulan Sec/Tac officer contacted the escort he'd assigned to Commander Wren and his young companion. Crewman ch'Oqysron reported back that they were in Engineering with Commander Arkyn looking at the probe.

Probe? Oh yes, Rayek recalled he'd read about that, just yesterday, given he now had greater security access to the mission logs. The arrival of the probe out of the Void was the reason Lionheart had been sent out towards the Void in the first place.

"If I am not needed, Ma'am, I will go check on the Android girl, Doria, and then report to Medical." Reeza asked. Doria was alone in their quarters, the airlock on, and a comms badge with a permanently open channel. It was the best she could do right now until they all got settled and Doria could start in the school room. She waited for someone to excuse her.

"Go ahead. By all means check on her. Make sure she is alright!" Linda said.

"Thank you, Ma'am. I am on Comms if needed; otherwise, I am sure Lt. R'Elle has plenty of things for me to do." She took off, heading downstairs to check in on Doria before returning to the Medical Bay.


Doria remained standing in the same spot that Reeza had left her, not having moved, and looking intently toward the door. She did not know what was allowed of her so she just did 'nothing'.

Reeza opened the door after dialing the number to her quarters she shared with her daughter-and now, the Android. She was a bit surprised to see Doria standing exactly where she'd been when she left.

"I came to check on you quickly before I return to the medical bay. Have you eaten? I have left a snack out." She said. "You are allowed to move around. You are allowed to sleep or color or use the hologram machine-I only keep kids' movies here. You can't use the replicator but if you need something else, you can call myself or Commander trLhoell at any time. Don't bother the Captain today, please." She said. "It's OK to ask me if you want to do something. This is your home now, too, and I want you to be comfortable. It is not safe enough yet for me to allow you to accompany me to the Medical bay, but hopefully tomorrow will be." Reeza finished speaking. "OK?"

"Yes Mistress, this one is sorry when you told this one to stay here this one mistook as this spot. This one will go and have the snack and potentially go into standby mode until woken upon your return. This one begs forgiveness for misunderstanding and if Mistress wishes this one will activate self discipline software?", Doria looked up to Reeza obviously worried she did wrong by remaining standing in place.

Reeza smiled. "No, you don't need to self-discipline. It's a misunderstanding, that's all. We will likely have more as I learn how your programming works and as you learn our customs. You only need to eat if you WISH to, I won't force you. I understand you don't "need" to, but if you wish to so as to keep a regular schedule, that is fine. Do you want me to replicate you something for lunch, as well? It's only 10 am. You have three hours until lunch. Miss Soja will be collected by Lt. Lorut's wife. I will ask her to check in on you if I don't hear from you at 1:15 PM. Do you know how to read a chronometer?"

Doria tilted her head to the side and then back normal, "Internal Chronometer set for said times. Will contact at requested interval. Nourishment helps this one's systems. Something not meat please if Mistress does not mind?" Doria walked over and sat down at the table with a soft whimper looking over to a stuffed animal of Soja's. She had no soother yet save when allowed to hold Mistress Soja's dolls but she would never touch a Mistress's belongings without authorization.

Reeza nodded. "I remember that you don't eat meat from breakfast-you didn't want the ham. Let's see. Perhaps some simple steamed vegetables and rice with an Asian style sauce?" She said, crossing to the replicator. She got the meal for Doria. "You may play with Soja's toys, as well. Help yourself to anything. As always, you can call an adult except the Captain today if you need further help, ok? We all have our radios on. The Captain is just very busy today, but she will be available to you later on. I need to return to my work shortly. Do you need anything further? Here, also!! Follow me." Reeza led her into the bedroom area. "In case you spill on yourself, you can borrow this shirt from me. I don't think Soja's clothes will fit you. That one was from before I gave birth to Soja and I was much smaller then." Reeza sighed. She'd never been able to fully lose the last bit of weight she'd gained. She was only 5'4'' anyway, so it would be long on Doria but hopefully not TOO big. "We will replicate some clothing for you later." She stepped back into the main room.

Doria smiled 'smelling' the dish that was replicated then rose and followed Reeza obediently. Taking the shirt the android held it close to seem like a long dress. "Thank You Mistress, this one shall be extra careful and will check in as ordered Mistress. This one begs Mistress to return to her task so this one will not cause tardiness. Thank You and this one shall eat then 'play' then 'nap'." Folding the shirt she held it close and returned to the table to lower her head a moment then begin eating.

Reeza smiled. "Alright. Thank you. I will see you later on, ok? I will try to get off right at 5 pm, and return here no later than ten minutes after 5. Mrs. Lorut will bring Cuyu Soja back around 5:30 pm." She stepped out and made her way to the Sickbay. Man, was she ever glad she'd only had Soja. She couldn't have carried on alone with TWO children.



While things were quiet, Rayek download the files he'd copied from the Escape Pod and forwarded them to Commander Arkyn and the Captain.

(open tag)

OOC are we good to post this one or do folks want to add anything specific?? I'm signing off unless something new is added.

OFF Lt Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell


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