Runabout Rambles
Posted on Sun Jul 24th, 2022 @ 1:53am by Captain Devin Hadenbeer & Lieutenant JG S'Lace & Lieutenant Commander R'elle & Lieutenant Commander Klarth & Lieutenant JG H'orri Of the Red Fur
926 words; about a 5 minute read
Into The Void
Location: Shuttle Bay One
Tags: Klarth, S'lace
Moments after the runabout touched down in the shuttle bay a service crew was dashing forward to better assess the damage. The chief in charge grimaced when her surveyed just how much of a mess the doughty craft found itself in and it was all he could do not to bite his tongue when he saw the officers disembark.
Lieutenant S'Lace arrived with three medical technicians in tow, each one carrying portable equipment that if necessary could transform the back of the runabout into a temporary triage center, which is what might be necessary; under ideal conditions it would be best to stabilize patients before beaming them to sickbay. She entered and looked about...
"S'Lace, I sure am glad to see you. That explosion happened right after transport and these poor injured people were thrown around like clothes in a dryer. The Andorian flew into the Gorn and his neck snapped on impact. At least he isn't a Klingon, such an indignity in death would certainly keep him from Sto'Vo'Kor. The Gorn is in bad shape, trauma and a concussion, but they are a hardy species. The Caitian has a concussion and internal injuries and will need our immediate attention.
"Understood, Doctor," S'Lace replied as the technicians set down the equipment. As two gently removed the Andorian further into the back of the runabout, another began tricorder scans on the Gorn while S'Lace set out an emergency medical kit for Klarth.
Klarth began to treat the Caitian's injuries.
R'elle walked in and asked Klarth, "How are they Klarth?"
"Well, the Andorian didn't make it but I think the Gorn and the Caitian will be okay....I don't know if she was delirious but this Caitian sounded like she might be in a mating cycle. Is there a male Caitian on board?"
"No, not that I am aware of!" R'elle said. "Mating cycle? that could pose a problem. Well we will see what we do."
Klarth looked around at who was on the medical team and engineering teams before telling this story to R'elle, "A few years ago a Bolian named Lt. Broht went into his mating cycle and there were no Bolian women on the ship and not having a mate during this time is deadly to a Bolian. Now, I don't know what you know about Bolians but due to their unique corrosive bodily fluids, intimate relations with one can give Humans fatigue, nausea, and joint inflammation. So Lt. Broht was proof that some people really can't find a date to save their life." And at this Klarth started laughing like crazy.
"Ok good to know. However what can be done for a caitian female? I have never been in this position before. However another female might work. I'm not sure. Klarth you're a doctor what do you think?" R'elle asked
"Don't you want to know what happened to Lt. Broht?" Asked Klarth with a smile.
Well she really didn't care but Klarth was anxious to tell her, "OK Klarth what happened to Lt. Broht?" R'elle said.
"Oh he died,"said Klarth,"but it had nothing to do with his mating cycle....While he was still looking for a date he was part of an away mission to a planet called Orellius. On the mission were two Humans Commander Fontaine and Lt. Carroll. The two of them bought this local dish at a cart in the town square, it had meat and some local vegetables. It tasted great and they wouldn't stop raving about it they asked Lt. Broht if he wanted a bite and finally maybe due to the peer pressure he took a bite and he liked it so much he got his own bowl. But what he didn't know was that the planet's vegetation was really high in Nitric acid which when mixed with a Bolian unique stomach acids, and his species' hemocyanin copper blood, caused his stomach to literally melt."
After his story Klarth said. "Let's just focus on getting her injuries healed. We can figure out if she needs a stroll on the wild side later"
"That sounds like a good idea Klarth!" She really didn't understand the whole point of the story but he was her friend so she tolerated stuff like that.
S'Lace made a final check on the two living patients and said, "Both are ready for transport, Doctor," she paused and added with a slightly arched eyebrow, "Unless you have another 'amusing' anecdote to entertain us with?"
~Oh K'tal's claws no! NO more anecdotes please!~ r'elle thought to her self.
"S'Lace don't you know by now that I always have another story...But you are absolutely right, let's get them to sickbay," said Klarth.
Horri eyes open slightly glazed. "Mother of us all."
Klarth looked at her and said "Welcome back, don't try to move. You're safe now. Off that shuttle and on the Lionheart. I'm your doctor and we're going to get you fixed up.
"Doctor," S'Lace murmured, "The medical team in Sickbay is standing by..."
"No more Klingon stories, please. When one is running through the tall grass of the Eternal Savannah. Last thing one needs is Klingon stories. Save that for people on that dreadful boat to Sto'Vo'Kor."
Horri doesn't move.
" I just hope I didn't say something embarassing."
Klarth opened his mouth to say something to Horri, but thought better of it and instead he touched his combadge and said "Klarth to sickbay. Get us out of here. Energize!"
Within seconds both the medical team and their two patients were beamed away...