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Distressed over Signals

Posted on Thu Aug 11th, 2022 @ 11:34am by Lieutenant JG Alia Fitzgerald & Captain Devin Hadenbeer & Lieutenant Commander Ull Arkyn & Lieutenant Commander R'elle & Lieutenant Commander Klarth
Edited on on Mon Aug 15th, 2022 @ 4:38am

1,104 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Into The Void
Location: Bridge

Five minutes outside of Gabriel Station's location Captain Devin Hadenbeer ordered red alert. A search of the ship found no signs of another booby trap or intruder and the search had left the crew on edge. It was one thing to face an external enemy, but one inside your own ship...

Devin had almost wished they had found someone. Someone to point at, to toss in the brig and set everyone's minds at ease. But now old crew would look at new in a different light. She almost wished for a fight, if anything to get everyone looking outward.

Two minutes out Devin was out of her chair and pacing, the tip of her cane thumping on the deck. She had ordered no hails to the station; she had wanted their arrival to be a surprise. She had wished she had an active cloaking device on board because right now she certainly would have used it.

One minute out from Gabriel Station and she was about to speak, when a chirp sounded, a communique of some sort. She frowned and looked about...

Ull frowns as he picks up the comms. He then looks at Captain Hadenbeer. "I've got a Federation distress beacon coming in. Working on verifying coordinates now." Ull works to localize where the communique is coming from. "Still tracking the beacon. Not originating from Gabriel Station."

Devin turned and regarded her Chief Tactical Officer, then glanced over towards her XO.

"This feels like one of those 'no win' scenarios the instructors at the academy liked to throw at us. If we ignore the beacon we...I violate Federation law and potentially abandon people in need. If we tend to the beacon our enemy potentially slips free from Gabriel Station."

Klarth hears this as he is coming on board the bridge. "Not to mention that a distress call is the same trap the runabouts from the station fell for. But we also know there may be two other Gabriel Station runabouts still out there."

R'elle followed Klarth onto the bridge. "Much as I want to punish those responsible for this Captain, We are obligated to answer that distress signal. Which is not to say we shouldn't take precautions. If there are survivors out there, we should rescue them!" It was a hard decision either way! Still life first was her credo. However the ultimate decision was the captain's.

"Helm, drop to impulse," Devin ordered. Once the ship dropped out of warp the Captain turned to Klarth and the Counselor.

"Our enemy has already used false distress signals," she stated, "They have sent us false transmissions. Misdirection is apparently their weapon of choice. And every second we wait that bird of prey behind us is going to catch up, putting us between it and whatever we find at Gabriel Station. And I am certain our guests in sickbay would very much like us to get there to see if there is anyone left to rescue."

She paused and idly thumped the deck with her cane.

"That being said," Devin added as she turned away from the pair, "We cannot ignore the distress signal. Options? And please be quick about it."

"I doubt they would use the same trick twice but it is possible. That said we should investigate the signal. If it's the same people, we need to be ready to fight them and capture them if possible. Full shields and weapons ready sensors ready for anything that might be hostile!" R'elle said.

Anyone who knew Hadenbeer could see she was about to delivery a scathingly acerbic retort to that, when-

Alia said, "We are required to respond to all LEGITIMATE distress signals but we know that at least one station has been compromised." She strained to remember her not-that-long-ago lessons at the academy. "I believe the regulations permit one to ignore such messages just as it does allow you to ignore orders you believe are false as long as there is sufficient justification. I suggest a long-range probe, one designed for high speeds. The sensors on those probes can probably determine how fake the calls might be or if they are being spoofed in-system. If someone destroys the probe before it gets too far, the message is likely not real."

"It sure is a shame we don't have a bird-of-prey in the shuttlebay," said Klarth. "A stealth scoutship is exactly what we need. The Federation never should have signed the Treaty of Algeron. It's tied your hands ever since."

Devin paused, and then her entire demeanor relaxed and she almost smiled

"Mister Fitzgerald," she said, "There is a scout ship in the shuttle bay. Pick one medical personnel and check out that distress beacon. In case you are worried about discovery by any enemy ships you will find an automatic reconfiguration on board for what is called 'refractive shielding'.

The smile became genuine as she glanced Klarth's way, "It is still a legal gray area where that treaty is concerned. Doctor, can you spare someone?"

Klarth smiled and said "I should have known you'd have another trick up your sleeve. Refractive shielding, I'm tempted to go myself, but I'm too curious to see what happened to Gabriel Station. Take S'Lace, she can do everything I can do but in high heels as they used to say about Gene Kelly ... a famous Earth warrior."

Ull looked between Klarth and the Captain. "I'd recommend taking at least one security member with you as well. Just in case they run into any trouble."

"S'Lace can take care of herself," Devin replied to Ull. She turned to Fitzgerald, "And if the distress signal proves false I fully expect them to run. No hails to us; you get out quickly and quietly. In fact I want complete communications silence until you get home; there is no telling whom is listening."

"I hope there is no trouble. Still I want to say Be careful. I know S'lace and whoever goes with her will be careful but I feel better saying it. there is an old caitian saying 'tread carefully but keep your claws out!' " R'elle said.

"Yes...what she said," Devin replied as she waved the cane at the turbo lift doors, "Now be off, young Fitzgerald, to your first command..."

"Yes, ma'am!" She saluted smartly and walked quickly without running to a turbolift. "Lt. S'Lace, please meet me in the shuttlebay, we have a scouting mission to complete." *I must remember to look up this 'Gene Kelly' when we get back. It's embarrassing when aliens know more about your own culture than you do!*



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