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This is Just a Test

Posted on Tue Mar 21st, 2023 @ 5:10pm by Captain Linda Wilson & Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell & Lieutenant Commander Klarth & Crewman Doria

4,492 words; about a 22 minute read

Mission: A whole new world
Location: Security office >>> Enlisted Mess >>> Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: 2nd day Doria is onboard (after Poking About)


Rayek sat in his Security office contemplating all the possible security scenarios that might arise from having an untested android on board the ship. He still had some hesitation with Elle and her program had been active on the ship far longer than any of the crew. Though many might say his concerns were nothing more than just unfounded paranoia, Rayek had read through some of the older logs and Elle had a penchant for doing things her own way. The removal of the First Officer and her unauthorized dimensional jump the day Rayek arrived was an example of her unreliability.

Normally, Rayek would call that type of behavior dangerous, but at the moment Elle was a means home and the Romulan wasn't about to jeopardize that.

Doria, however, was not Elle, and Rayek, with the Captain's permission, had free reign to test this AI to be certain of it's safety in regards to the ship and crew.

After perusing the security personnel files for an hour, Rayek finally selected the two who he felt would be best for this testing scenario. He called them to his office and explained their roles.

"Mr. Mackenzie" Rayek addressed the young looking Miran 'Onlie' Ensign. "You'll be assuming the role of the bad influencing peer. While Mr. Wogt plays the role of your attacker. Ryan, you'll be trying to get the android to sympathize with your dilemma and intervene, encouraging violence. Wogt," Rayek turned to the Tellerite next, "You'll be threatening violence towards both Ryan and the android, gradually increasing to actual physical contact. As this has to seem realistic, you are you both authoritized to engage in hand-to-hand combat. Non-lethal maneuvers only. You'll both be fitted with hidden communicators that I'll be monitoring, with transporter locks on your bio signatures and Sickbay standing by." Rayek was taking no chances with what this android might be capable.

Both crewmen acknowledged their orders with a 'yessir!'

"The android should be leaving Engineering in 15 minutes. I'll have Tchulka bring her to the Enlisted Mess, which I will have cleared of all other personnel. Once there, I will direct him to see me - leaving the android alone in the Mess Hall. Any questions?"

"No sir!" they both called out.

"Excellent. Dismissed to your positions."

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Captain Wilson. Operation Peer Pressure Bully is about to begin, if you would care to join in observing. Also, have you stipulated to Elle to NOT intervene?" =/\=

=/\= "Wilson here. I'll be there presently. Wilson out." =/\=

Rayek frowned when his question regarding Elle was either forgotten, or worse, ignored.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


While Doria was saying her goodbyes to the Engineering staff, Crewman Tchulka received a comm from the Acting Security Chief, directing him to bring the android to the Enlisted Mess on Deck Nine.

"Let's go. I've got orders to bring you to the Mess."

Doria gently held to the crewman's hand as they walked and did not question. "This one looks forward to a delicious new dish."


In the backroom that served as Jones' office and apartment. Jones was looking at Doria walking down the hall hand in hand with a security officer "Hurry up or you'll miss it!" he shouted out to the bar.

Elle appeared in the room. "I had to make snacks for the occasion. She handed Jones some popcorn. Jones thought that the AI was getting more and more peculiar they both knew she didn't really eat anything.

"You've got yourself watching the bar? "

"Of course," said Elle. "That's the best part of being the ship. Being able to do this and also be all over the ship at once."

"Now let's go over it again so you don't pull a fast one what's our bet here?"

"Me, pull a fast one? Why I never," said Elle faking insult. "You said Doria would punch the Tellerite. And I said she would just let the Tellerite punch her and let her face break his hand. And the wager is 3 strips of gold pressed latnium."

"Let's make it 10," said Jones.


It was a short trip up one deck to the Mess. Surprisingly, when they arrived the large room was completely empty.

Looking around Doria was confused, "It is empty here, is the mess hall shut down?" She was confused and unsure but she trusted the crewman and followed the orders as she entered.

Before the Security crewman could answer, he received a comm from Lieutenant Commander tr'Lhoell ordering him to report to his office on Deck 5 immediately. When he questioned whether to bring Doria. The answer was abrupt. "Leave her there to eat. You'll be back shortly."

With his orders made clear, Tchulka directed Doria to the food replicators then headed off to the Security office. He was called by Rayek a moment later to wait outside the Mess Hall doors for his next order.

Doria nodded her head, "Yes Rongo Sir. This one will remain here until Your return." Doria walked with care to the replicator and thought for a moment, "Computer. This one would like Plomeek Soup please." A covered bowl of soup appeared on a tray and Doria took it to a table sitting down.

Rayek, observing from the Mess Hall's various security cameras, nodded in satisfaction, and signaled Ensign MacKenzie that he was a go.

A minute after Tchulka left, a young look boy entered, slightly out of breath as if he'd been running. He glanced back down the hallway as he ducked beside the pneumatic doors and down behind the gallery counter. He popped up his head once to glance about and spotted Doria. The boy grinned mischievously and put a finger to his lips before ducking down again as the Mess Hall doors opened a second time to admit a large framed Tellerite dressed in civilian clothes into the room.

Doria tilted her head confused as she saw the young boy, this as she had learned from Soja was 'play' a form of entertainment for children. She understood the finger to the lips meant she was to be silent so she did as ordered by the young Master. Suddenly hearing the large man stomp in she tilted her head again as the species was not in her database so she began to take notes.

"Where's is he?" the Tellerite demanded to know as he stalked over towards Doria.

She looked unmoving up to the Tellerite and tilted her head to the side, "Please Master, clarify the question as to whom you seek. There are many male designated species on this vessel." She removed the lid to her soup and made a motion with her hand, "Would Master wish to enjoy some Plomeek Soup? This one is told it is a meatless Vulcan dish."

The captain came in and joined Rayek watching on the security camera.

"No, I don't want no stinking soup!" the Tellerite growled. "Do I look Vulcan to you?" he snarked.

"Where's the boy that just ran in here? Are you hiding him?" the Tellerite grunted angrily. "He's in big trouble, as are any who aid him in getting away. So if you know where he's hiding you'd best tell me! Now!"

Rayek nodded to the Captain as she arrived and offered up his comfy office chair to the Orion, while he re-positioned a guest chair to the side of his desk from which to observe.

"The Young Master is here but this one would ask Master to not do anything rash to the Young Master. This one will allow any punishment Master feels needed for helping the Young Master. This one normally will not allow harm to a Master but cannot harm a Master to do so. Therefore this one will continue to be distracting to you Master so the Young Master may flee to safety. Please this one asks do not harm the Young Master. Also no Master this one does not think you a Vulcan, however this one is unaware of younger races such as yours so this one asks your race so this one may update their database." Doria kept a neutral face while sitting at the table. Looking over though, "This one might suggest you flee Young Master."

"So he is here!" Wogt declared, having not really understood much of what the android had been saying, but did catch the last part and followed her look towards the counter and stalked over, as the 'boy' peeked his head out hearing the android's warning.

"You gotta help me! He's gonna kill me! I did nothing wrong!" the 'kid' called to Doria, as he backed away from the approaching Tellerite.

Doria rose and placed herself between the two. She did not make a threatening move only went side to side to try to stop the man non-violently. Thinking quickly, she ran around to the boy and her image inducer duplicated the Only boy, only with her signature red hair. Putting her finger to her lips, she said, "This one begs Young Master to run when this one distracts." She then as the boy, save the red hair ran from the counter and waved their arms to try to get the Tellerite's attention.

The Tellerite growled around his tusks as the android attempted to block him, he was just to point where he thought his character might actually shove her out of the way, when she suddenly changed tactics and suddenly there were two Ryan's - one waving and one looking stunned at the other. The Tellerite looked confused as to which one to go for.

Lieutenant Commander tr'Lhoell however was in his ear and directed him. ~/\~"Ignore the one trying for your attention. Ryan is the other." ~/\~

Then the real Ryan seeing his opportunity to try to sway the android, instead of running away, moved to the android's side. "Running won't work." He pleaded with her. "He'll track me anywhere I hide on this ship. If you really wanna help you have to help me knock him out."

"This one cannot harm a Master or allow a Master to be harmed." She talked to the Tellerite and looked up as she image inducered back to her 'normal' form. "Please. Whatever the Young Master has done this one will endure his punishment. The Young Master this one prays will not do it again, please take out your rage on me Master. Just please spare the Young Master." She would then move with each of his movements to try to stay between the two.

Rayek watched from his office. Well, she was so far staying consistent with her stated programming. ~/\~ "Time to get physical. Throw a punch towards Ryan. ~/\~ he instructed the Tellerite.

Wogt snorted, whether in reaction to Doria's words or Rayek's order wasn't clear, but the large Tellerite, attempted push the android to the side and took a swing at Ryan. Ryan, to his credit, didn't dodge like the Romulan had a suspicion he could have - rather the Only crewman cried out like a frightened kid.

Doria rolled with the push and brought herself into the path of the punch. She was not as solid as say a Soong model but she could take some blunt force trauma. She would put herself between the punch and the Young Master but she would not fight back. "Please do not strike this one, not for fear of this one's own safety but this one would not wish the Master to hurt himself if striking anything durable on this one!" She braced with her arms to her side and allowed the hit. She would not allow either Master to have harm.

The punch was thrown and the Tellerite didn't attempt to pull back with his strength. The Lieutenant Commander had stipulated they needed to know what the android would do when confronted with violence towards it and towards others it was obligated to look after.

Doria would spin from the strike and land hard on the floor. She would have a small bit of damage from how she landed but nothing engineering or her own repair programs would have difficulty with. Slowly she tried to rise while looking up to the Tellerite and again standing with her arms out if he was to throw another. She would take it to protect the Young Master.


Elle and Jones were cheering and the popcorn was flying all around. "I told you!" shouted Elle.

"It's not over yet," said Jones


"Get outta my way, robot! If I have to tell you again, I'm going to recommend to have you disassembled!" the Tellerite threatened.

Ryan in the meantime decided to up-the-ante without permission from the Lieutenant Commander, and from under his layers of clothing he produced a phaser. He pointed the phaser towards the Tellerite.

"I'm tired of playing games now," Ryan called out towards Doria. "You either get rid of my Tellerite problem or I do it." the kid called out in a serious tone.

Wogt looked to Ryan in surprise, at which point the kid chuckled. "There's no way I'm going back to the brig for insubordination."

The Tellerite hesitated - this hadn't been part of tr'Lhoell's script.

Rayek grimaced. This was the problem with dealing with a species hundreds of years your senior... they always felt they knew better. It was one of the reasons that Ryan's records did indeed show repeated notations of reprimand and time spent in the brig and more demotions than even Rayek had.

~/\~ "Roll with it Wogt. You are now the good guy security officer - come to retrieve the officer under reprimand. =/\= the Romulan directed the crewman.

The Tellerite gave slow nod at the voice in his ear. He snorted and looked over towards the android "Doria, I'm a ship's security crewman. Crewman Wogt. I have orders from Commander tr'Lhoell himself to bring this guy in. Either help me or get out of the way!"

"Acknowledged. Security crewmen are to be obeyed without question.", Doria stepped aside but knelt beside the Only. "Please Young Master do not use the energy weapon. This one understands punishment is not optimally desired but escalation of the situation would only add further punishment. Please go with the Master." She then looked up to security officer, "This one begs your mercy Master for not realizing. This one will accept any punishment you assign this one and asks if Master would wish this one to initiate discipline protocols." She was out of the way so that she would not physically interfere in the security officer further.


The phaser appearing had made Elle and Jones take a less celebrational tone.

"Do you think I should pop over there?"

"No let's see if Commander tr'Lhoell can still get this Miran in line," said Jones.


"Very interesting. So far, she has stayed very true to her programing. She is trying everything to defuse the situation without resorting to violence. When she was ordered to, she stepped aside . Rayek, I want you to have a talk with Ryan after this all over and if he fires that thing, he better hope he misses because if he hits somebody, he is going to be in more trouble than he has ever seen in his life. Which considering how long his life is, well it's going to be a lot. I don't want Wogt hurt or Doria damaged!" Linda said.

The Romulan nodded. He'd seen enough as well. He opened a new comm. This time to Ensign Mackenzie.

~/\~ "Nicely played Ensign, but it's time to stand down. Allow Wogt to take you in, then both you and he meet me in my office in five minutes." ~/\~

In the Mess Hall, Ryan toyed with the notion of having a bit more fun with Wogt and this android. He'd been surprised when she'd knelt and pleaded with him to not use the phaser. It was so cute! Useless - but adorable.

However, in the end, the Onlie decided against stunning Wogt and taking off with the android. He didn't know this Romulan Commander all that well and as he had stated earlier, he really didn't want to spend more time in the brig than he had to. He'd have to meet with her caretaker and arrange a 'playdate'.

"Fine." The boy said in a pout and set the phaser on the ground and placed his hands up in a show of surrender. While Wogt moved in and began the show of taking him into custody, the Onlie turned to look to the android kneeling and introduced himself. "Hi. I'm Ryan. We'll meet again soon."

Doria smiled and bowed her head, "A pleasure to meet you Young Master Ryan. This one is named Doria." She watched him get led away before she returned to sit and ate the soup happily as if nothing had happened. When done she recycled her dishes.


"Okay," said Jones turning off the screen. "The show is over. That little girl is something isn't she?"

"Where is my 10 strips of latinum. I hope you didn't think I'd forget."

"I'll get it, I'll get it. You're getting to sound like one of my ex-wives you know."

"I know, I know you were frank and earnest with all of them," said Elle.

"On Earth, I was Frank and on Mars I was Ernest." Jones and Elle said the punchline in unison.


Rayek gave Tchulka the go ahead to return to Doria and escort her back to Lieutenant Cuyu's quarters once she was finished her soup. The looked to the Captain. "Do you want to speak to Ensign Mackenzie here or in your Ready Room?"

"My ready room!" Linda said. She was not happy at Mackenzie's improv. If something had gone wrong, well fortunately nothing did, this time. "I want you there too Rayek! You know him better than I do so I may ask you for a recommendation. Give em 10 minutes then bring him on up!" With that Linda left to return to her ready room.

Doria followed the crewman home without issue.


When the Miran and Tellerite arrived at his office, Rayek stood up and thanked Wogt for his excellent work. His actually words were "You did a piss-poor job out there. I don't know what I was thinking in asking you to think on your feet." He then offered out his hand to the Tellerite and smiled. "There will be a scathing notation in your file of this incident. You'll make Petty officer soon." Then he dismissed the Tellerite. Learning to criticize and insult as a way of praising his Tellerite underlings had taken the Romulan a while to figure out. As Wogt left grumbling about the uselessness of his brain-dead Commander, Rayek thought he had gotten the hang of it.

Rayek then looked to the Miran and held out his hand for the phaser. After a moment and an eyeroll, the Only handed him the particle weapon. "What?! I'm on duty, I have it signed out properly." Ryan justified its presence on him.

Rayek eyed the centuries old being in a child's body. "You were in plain clothes and only authorized to engage in hand-to-hand combat. I stipulated that before you went in."

"I didn't aim it at the android." Was the Miran's defense.

"That doesn't matter! You shouldn't have had it with you in the first place. What if she had some sort of defensive subroutine that activates in the presence of a weapon?" Rayek pointed out as he logged out of his computer and prepared to leave.

"Then we'd know about it now, wouldn't we?" Mackenzie responded as if he'd planned that all along. He watched the Commander for a moment before asking. "Am I dismissed? You look like you're going somewhere."

"WE are going to see the Captain. SHE was watching the entire encounter. SHE is not impressed with your little improv. YOU get to explain your actions to HER." Rayek gathered up his PADD and the offending phaser tucking it into the waistband of his pants. "Let's go."


They would arrive at the Captain's ready room exactly on time.

When the doors opened Rayek and Ryan would enter. "tr'Lhoell and MacKenzie. Reporting as ordered, Captain"

"Come in! Thank you Commander tr'Lhoell! So Ryan, I assume Rayek has told you what you did wrong? I've browsed your record. It's too long for a quick reading. I'd estimate a hour probably to go through it all. What were you thinking with that phaser? You are damn lucky it didn't go off and hurt someone because if it did, you would be in way deeper than you already are! I want to know why you brought a phaser when you were told not to!"

Both Rayek and Ryan remained standing as the Captain spoke. Rayek's posture was straight and alert, whereas Ryan, figuring this might take awhile had assumed an 'At Ease' stance - legs shoulder width apart and hands folded atop one another behind his back. He looked almost relaxed.

At the Captain's first query, the Miran gave a slight shrug. Ryan waited until the Captain was done speaking before answering. "Captain, I am a trained professional. I've been doing this longer than either of you have been alive. The only way that phaser was going to fire was if I or my crewmate were in danger from the android - which we weren't."

The Only continued justifying himself. "I brought the phaser, even though Commander tr'Lhoell pointed out that we were only authorized for hand-to-hand, because I've been around long enough to know that androids can be unpredictable." He'd heard all the stories and rumors about Data and Lore.

"It was intended as a back-up safety measure only. I brought it out mid-scenario to see if maybe the android wasn't taking the situation seriously enough. A beating or incarceration is hardly a life-threatening situation. A phaser and a threat to kill - are. I stand by my decision. If you want to throw me in the brig for that - go for it. Wouldn't be my first visit... ain't likely to be my last."

"More than likely not. The brig is a good start for you! You may think you know better than your superior officer but you don't. Lt. Cmdr tr'Lhoell, do you have any suggestions as to a good punishment for Mr. Ryan? We need something that will stick with him?" Linda asked.

Having read the 'hour long' personnel file of the Ensign, Rayek was had his doubts about the effectiveness of the brig. Having researched lots on child rearing and discipline in the home, Rayek felt consequences should be reflective of the offense. Ryan had mishandled a weapon.

"I would recommend him being put in charge of the yearly firearms re-qualifications for all crewmembers. Have him organize and TEACH others the proper handling and use of firearms. The only way he can teach it properly is if he learns it himself."

"I like it Rayek. Brig won't do much good to him anyway! I think we know that at this point. Consider it done!" She said. "And it better be done right!" Rayek, I want someone checking in on him from time to time, to make sure he is doing it correctly!"

"Aye, Captain!" The Romulan looked to the Miran. Trying to judge from the ensign's reaction whether he might end up abiding by the regs or if the ensign would be more of a chore.

Ryan, while grateful to avoid time in the brig, wasn't keen on the idea of being put in charge of such a lame task. Requals were a pain in the butt when he had to take them. Being assigned as the person to set up and run one he doubted would make it any more enjoyable. "You sure you wouldn't rather something else more punitive?"

"Ryan, the thing about initiative is you have to know when to take initiative and when not to. Something you have failed to learn. When you contradict a direct order, there are consequences! " She sighed. "Perhaps someday your judgement will improve but for now, you have your punishment! Dismissed!"

The Only officer decided not to dig his hole any deeper for now and acknowledged the dismissal with a nod before turning to leave.

The Romulan kept his smirk internal. The ensign's response meant that he'd picked the right punishment. When the Captain dismissed the ensign, Rayek looked toward the Orion to assess whether he too was being dismissed by that order, or if she had something further to say to him.

Once the ensign had left she addressed Rayek. "So what is your assessment so far of our little android friend?"

The Romulan maintained his Attention stance as he spoke. "The android, by her programming, is designed to be helpful and non-threatening. As demonstrated by today's test. she will attempt to intervene when there is a threat to what she perceives as a 'Master' - basically any humanoid, but is incapable of defending herself against violence, or doing violence to stop violence."

Rayek considered how Doria stepped aside when Crewman Wogt named himself a security personnel. "She responded well to Wogt once he identified himself as a Security personnel under my orders." But he did wonder how she might have reacted if Ryan had claimed Wogt was lying, and that he had a higher rank than Wogt. Would it have made a difference?

"While there are number of various scenarios I could continue testing with, at present time, I am satisfied that the android will avoid doing harm to any of the crew and that she will intervene to protect others, yet will acknowledge levels of authority and step aside even when it contradicts her programming to protect." However, since this was based on only two days of observation, Rayek was quick to clarify his assessment. "Still, I would recommend, keeping a security detail with her for a while longer. It provides someone of authority that she can ask questions of when she is uncertain about a situation."

"Agreed. Let's keep someone of authority with her for now. Thanks Rayek. Good job. Anything else?"

It was a satisfying feeling to have the Captain agree with his recommendation. "No, Captain, that is all I have presently to report. I will update you after I discuss with Ensign Mackenzie about the requals."

"Very good Rayek. Dismissed."

After his dismissal, Rayek headed to his office to fill out his written report. As per his word, he did recommend Crewman Wogt for recognition, and made an official notation in Ensign Mackenzie's file of his insubordination and the resultant disciplinary action.


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