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Breaking Fast

Posted on Wed Nov 9th, 2022 @ 9:36am by Lieutenant Commander Dorian Sheppard & Captain Devin Hadenbeer & Commander Sandy "Phantom" Risa & Lieutenant Commander Ull Arkyn & Lieutenant Commander R'elle & Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell & Lieutenant Commander Klarth & Lieutenant JG Alia Fitzgerald & Lieutenant JG H'orri Of the Red Fur & Ship Elle
Edited on on Wed Nov 9th, 2022 @ 1:41pm

3,994 words; about a 20 minute read

Mission: Into The Void
Location: Officers' Mess, Deck Three

"I want a cat."

Devin paused and regarded Elle and tried not to notice the odd looks the pair of them were earning. Cocking her head, she replied, "We already have a cat."

"Marta is your cat," Elle replied. She turned and waved at an approaching ensign, "Bertie! Good to see you! Looking forward to our next adventure!"

Bertie gave an uncertain smile and nod as he walked past. Devin noted, "Don't you think it is...improper to just insert yourself into other people's holo programs?"

Elle frowned, "Well, if you ever just let yourself go and join me on one instead of being so..."


"Not the word I would have used."

"And the word..."

"Not one I am comfortable using."

Devin found herself smiling at that, despite herself. As they continued walking she said, "I thought you wanted parrots."

"That was then. I want a Capellan Power Cat! We could give it deck eight!"

"Oh, just deck eight?"

Elle gave one of her impish grins, "Well, I thought you wouldn't agree to throwing in deck seven, too..."

They reached the mess doors, Devin paused and turned to Elle's hologram.

"Elle," the Captain said, "Perhaps you should...tone it down a bit here, all right? I understand the past few hours have been...eventful for you, but these officers are going to have questions and more than a few of them might be...confrontational. We are not going to win any friends fighting."

Elle sighed, "Yeah, I think I am starting to get that. All right, I'll 'dial it back', like your brother would say."

Devin blinked, "Did you...did you just accede to my suggestion?" her eyes narrowed, "Whom are you and what have you done with my Elle?"

"Ha. Ha," Elle replied wryly as the mess doors swooshed open.

Coming around the corner behind the captain, H'orri walks in yawning. "Morning, Cap'n." She then heads to a replicator. "Large bowl Vanilla extra caffeinated Latte."

"Lieutenant," Devin and Elle said in unison as the former headed for a replicator and the latter took a seat in the corner.

Klarth came in looking tired. He had hardly slept at all because he had been obsessing about this meeting. He ordered a raktajino and hoped it would be enough to keep him going.

Rayek was already seated at a table. He'd arrived about a half hour earlier to arrange for the proper set of up the room so that it gave the senior officers some privacy to discuss sensitive subjects. In that same vein of the thinking, Rayek had done a sweep for any hidden listening or recording devices. Not typically a standard Starfleet precaution, but one that Rayek was quite familiar with. He'd programmed the device's parameters into his room's replicator from memory.

Set in front of him was mug of what smelled distinctly like Chai tea. He nodded his head in greeting towards the Captain and Elle as they entered, then again to Lieutenant H'orri and Lieutenant Klarth who followed in afterwards.

Devin gave Rayek a small smile and a nod, then returned her attention to the replicator as her hand unconsciously caressed her belly.

R'elle walked in and ordered her usual from the replicator and sat down with her mug. She saw Elle and tried to control her emotions. The AI was trouble. She was too protective of the captain. Still she wasn't sure what she could do about it right now. Fitzgerald was right behind her, looking remarkably fresh considering the time of day.

Alia entered and ordered a relatively large breakfast, never having learned it wasn't 'ladylike' to eat a lot in front of others. She only had a small glass of a vitamin-enhanced protein drink before her morning job and was ready for actual FOOD before her day began. Even after years away from her home planet, she still appreciated having enough to eat and the variety available and tucked away with gusto!

Devin watched the lieutenant walk off with a tray loaded with breakfast edibles.

"Captain," Elle said with a touch of concern in her voice, "Perhaps something li-"

"Computer," Devin said, "Full English breakfast, make the eggs scrambled, butter on the side. And hot tea."

'Full English' consisted of the aforementioned eggs as well as toast, black pudding, baked beans, fried tomatoes, mushrooms and toast. Elle did not consume food but the hologram visibly wilted at the tray Devin withdrew from the replicator. Devin carried the tray to the head of the table and took a seat.

Ull entered, PADD in hand. He gave the others a curt nod and Elle a sidelong glance as he made for the replicator.

"Coffee," he murmured, then took a seat where he could see both Captain and hologram.

Rayek returned the nod equally as curt.

Sheppard, late as usual, enters hurriedly. “… and peripheral exchanges need to be monitored for Kelvin variances. Sheppard out,” he says, closing the comm. “Sorry Captain. Lithium and beryllium signatures are distorting long range scans, so we’re calculating new algorithms for our current, uh, situation.” He slides into a chair next to Rayek with a nod.

Rayek nodded back towards the engineer. After leaving the Lounge last night, Rayek had left a message for the man who had been working the 'midnight oil' like most good chief engineers were apt to. Unfortunately the man had either not checked his inbox as yet or had opted to ignore the Romulan's 'friendly' overture and suggestion to meet up. Rayek suspected the latter. Unfortunately with the breakfast meeting about to start there was no time to affect any meaningful sway of the man's thoughts on the subject of Elle and the Captain. However, the almost automatic apology towards Hadenbeer suggested to Rayek that the man's loyalty to the Captain might already be sufficient enough.

Lifting his cup of tea to take a sip, Rayek continued observing the room and its occupants. He inclined his head toward Lieutenant Commander R'elle and Lieutenant Fitzgerald as they entered. Their arrival together was concerning. Did Fitzgerald side with R'elle? He watched the Operations officer attentively for subtle signs of her intent, but was distracted by the engineer at his side.

“Sorry I didn’t get back to you, mate,” Sheppard leans over and whispers. “Engineering,” he explains. “You know what it’s like, getting dropped into a new universe and whatnot…” He let’s the apology trail off as the Captain begins.

Rayek glanced towards the man and nodded his acceptance of the apology, but was unable to respond as things looked ready to begin. He continued to look over the assembled officers while the gathering was called to order.

Devin, still eating, spoke between bites, "If I appear sluggish is it because I have perhaps ordered a few too many calories here," she held up a finger in Elle's direction and the hologram bit back an obvious retort, "I may need a nap afterwards."

She took a sip of tea, "Before we get down to the most pressing questions I will attempt to anticipate the most obvious questions," she turned to the hologram, "Elle, how soon can we be under way?"

"Today, Captain," Elle replied, her manner comparatively restrained in comparison to the prior evening.

"And do you have an idea where we are going?"

"There are...several options," Elle replied cautiously.

"Then we will deal with that a little later," Devin turned back to the officers, "The ship is a bit crowded now with all the Gabriel Station staff. What can be done about more permanent housing and how can we arrange to make them feel useful? It seems if they are left with nothing to do that is going to cause...difficulties."

This information about the Gabriel Station staff was new to the Romulan and he listened with interest. That he'd missed picking up on the presence of additional personnel around the ship was annoying to Rayek. He prided himself on his observational skills, yet this had slipped by him unnoticed while he focused attention on determining the senior staff's views on the Captain and her AI ship. He wondered how many additional personnel there were.

"Speaking as a hopefully now former Gabriel Station officer. As far as jobs they like me had similar jobs on the station As people on the ship. Also we can double up crew quarters. Shoot if need be I can replicate a cot and sleep here." H'orri sad as she drank her Latte.

Alia wiped her mouth and nodded to H'orri. "That shouldn't be a problem. We can turn one of the cargo bay into apartment-style quarters given a bit of time. Fabricating proper walls and amenities would be an interesting challenge. I can have the timeline for you later today."

Devin nodded, "Good. Diplomatic quarters can also be employed but even so there are..."

"A hundred and forty three," Elle stated from where she sat in the corner. Then she frowned and cocked her head much like a dog hearing a strange sound.

Devin had not been looking in the hologram's direction, "Thank you. A hundred and forty three are not going to fit in the cargo bay and even then we would have to displace the cargo somewhere. Lieutenant H'orri's idea might be necessary to some extent."

“Engineering can certainly use some help,” Sheppard states. “Our calculations for recalibrations will need to be triple checked for efficiencies.”

Rayek appreciated his question of how many being answered without his needing to ask. Elle's cocked head and expression drew his attention even as he spoke up in response to the Captain's statement. "Bunking in the lounge or cargo bay shouldn't be necessary, as long as personnel are willing to share accommodation. Romulan ships are designed for efficient use. Space is a luxury. Each bunk is assigned to 2 personnel - each on different shift rotations. So that when one is working the other can rest."

“Agreed,” Sheppard pipes in. “We can rotate eight hour rests, tripling up the beds each day. When I did my field research on Pernaia Prime, we were able to sleep sixty one of us in eighteen bunks.”

"Ancient Earth wet navies had a term for that," Devin replied with a wry expression, "They called it 'hot bunking' because the prior occupant left the bed or cot still warm for the next person."

Alia grimaced. "No matter what it's called, the idea sounds... unpleasant. This ship isn't small and is, literally, mostly empty space. With enough time, we can work out something more acceptable."

Rayek continued to watch Elle, wondering if he should draw attention to her odd behavior, or try to attempt to speak with her privately once more. She hadn't answered him the last time... would it be any different now? Only one way to know. Rayek rubbed behind his ear activating the discreet comm device/universal translator surgically inserted in his ear canal, then brought his mug of tea up to his lips as if to drink but silently mouthed a query instead. The movement of his lips obscured and his jaw movement hopefully misinterpreted as him swallowing. =/\= Elle, what's drawn your attention? =/\=

Elle spared Rayek a brief glance.

=/\=Not sure yet=/\= the AI replied after a brief moment, =/\=I am double checking something.=/\=

The AI’s uncertainty was surprising, but the Romulan left her to do her internal checks as he return attention back to the conversation.

"Hmm well let's not rule out the cargo bay completely. Let's see how it goes. Granted it is a lot of people but I don't think we should completely rule anything out. doubling up may not work for some people. However I do like the idea of converting one cargo bay into an apartment style quarters." R'elle kept an eye on Elle. She hadn't made up her mind about the AI yet. Still it seemed the whole crew was trying to make the best of it. At least from what she had seen. "I do want to know however where are we going and what happens when we get there?"

Devin rubbed her eyes, "All right, see what cargo bay can be converted into crew quarters, assign diplomatic quarters to some and see about converting the multi-purpose rooms on deck eight as well. Be mindful of the race of some of the crew," she tapped the side of her nose, "Last thing I want is a Vulcan being forced to bed down where a human was sleeping," she glanced at R'elle and H'orri, "Or others with equally sensitive olfactory senses. I want the crews integrated as much and as quickly as possible, which means them not only sharing quarters but duties as well."

She sighed, "Meaning lots of free time for a lot of people as many are going to be getting short shifts and lots of time to make mischief. Oh, and move my things out of my quarters into storage and assign a junior officer's berth to me; you could easily get four in my chambers."

"Marta won't like it," Elle noted absently.

"Yes, well, Marta sees the whole ship as her domain, so..."

“Captain, perhaps organized recreational activities might occupy their time when not on shift or sleeping - such as team sports or other competitions?” Rayek had been the organizer of Katra’s bowling league after he’d been introduced to it during a trip to DS9.

Devin nodded, "Not a bad idea at all. Hopefully this trip will not take too long..." she glanced at Elle, who only shrugged slightly in response as she stared at the wall. Devin frowned at that then gave a shrug and turned back to those at the table, "In fact...let's find out who can sing and play musical instruments," she pushed the plate away from her, "I think that will keep everyone busy for the next few hours, if not days. Now, our next piece of business."

Devin spared a moment to regard everyone at the table before asking mildly, "Am I still Captain?"

As much as Rayek wanted to participate in this discussion, he felt his input was best left for afterwards if needed.

"Well, as I understand it? You aren't arrested so you are still Captain. We are in another universe so you are Fleet Command here. Until such time as we can get in touch with Fleet Command. So yes Captain, Admiral? Whatever rank you want really?" H"orri smiles.

Sheppard nods his agreement. Alia hesitated and then copied the gesture.

Klarth said "I for one am very happy to have you with us because of your command experience, your experience with dimensional travel and of course how well you work with Elle." Klarth thought to himself was this really going to be much easier than he had feared?

"Yes you are, Captain." Ull said and then he took a drink of his coffee. "Also, we have full dossiers on the Gabriel crew from our investigations when they came on board. That should help make sure they are all placed appropriately."

"I have to agree with Klarth. Both his points are on the nose so to speak. Especially as you have influence with Elle. I feel she is in need of guidance that only you can provide. You have a bond with her and she listens to you." R'elle said.

Rayek glanced towards both Lieutenant Commander R’elle. Her response was not what the Romulan would have expected given her initial attempt to arrest Captain Hadenbeer at Admiral Janeway’s order yesterday. The Caitian however was honest as to her reasons for recognizing Devin’s authority. A desire to return home of course was a strong motivator - as he well knew.

“Captain?” Sheppard asks suddenly, unintentionally changing the subject. “What exactly -is- our current mission?"

Devin was about to answer that, when the doors swooshed open and a stranger-a lieutenant commander-hustled in...with what appeared to be some sort of rodent stuff into her tunic.

Pushing Smithy's head back inside her tunic again, as Sandy quickly took an empty seat and turning beet red in the face, "So sorry captain but I finally able to make it. Um...I can sleep in a fighter easily enough with Smithy. We have done it hundreds of time before," Sandy said. Smithy, who was found hiding in the fighter bay or shuttle bay, if it could be called that, peaked put from under Sandy's tunic briefly. Hoping that he had not caught Elle's attention. Pushing his head quickly back into her tunic, praying he went unnoticed.

"That is very commendable," Devin replied, "Now who are you?"

Elle perked up and for the first time in a while seemed invested in the conversation, "This is Commander Risa, she is an experienced fighter pilot and group leader. I thought she would make a splendid Flight Control Officer."

Klarth knew enough of Devin's facial features to tell Elle had just said something Very Wrong. Rubbing her forehead, eyes closing, Devin inquired mildly, "Elle, have I ever had a Flight Control Officer?"

Elle blinked, "...No?"

"Did you ever wonder why?"

Elle gave a longer pause, "Actually...No. I never did."

Devin opened her eyes and she seemed ready to snap out something undoubtedly acerbic. Elle obviously could tell that as well and the AI quickly said, "We are missing someone."

Devin was brought up short, "What?"

"Crewman Shelly Shorn," Elle explained, "She was the first survivor the away teams found. I have a record of her beaming aboard, no record of her leaving."

Elle frowned, "But I don't see her anywhere..."

Sheppard instinctively reaches up to tap his comm badge, ready to ask the computer about the location of the missing crewman, when he remembers that the ‘computer’ is at the table with them.

When the 'yet unknown' Lieutenant Commander entered, Rayek's attention had turned to her and he nodded in silent greeting shortly after Elle's introduction of Commander Risa. It was mildly entertaining to listen to the Captain question Elle regarding the Flight Control Officer position. Even more entertaining to hear Elle's response. But his amusement stop short the moment that Elle explained her statement of 'missing someone'.

"Where was the last place you recall her being? Where are the station survivors congregated presently? " the Romulan asked looking towards Elle, then turned toward the Security Chief. "You might want to have your security teams do a check of any areas that are unmonitored - places that Elle can't check."

Elle's eyebrows raised slightly at the insinuation there were parts of the ship she was unable to monitor but she held he peace.

Feeling the tension in the room, "Captain.....may I be so bold....I am full blooded Betazoid with both telepathy and emphatic. I may be able to help in your search. I offer my services," Sandy said, struggling to keep Smithy concealed.

"I appreciate that, Commander," Devin replied as she attempted to ignore the furry companion.

Klarth had been so worried about this meeting that he hadn't slept and now it seems there had been no fight over Hadenbeer's Captaincy and no one was questioning Elle's rights. He had spend hours studying Federation cases about the rights of non-traditional life forms, everything from Data vs Bruce Maddox; Exocomps vs Farallon; and The Doctor vs Broht + Forrester. And he had multiple stories picked out to illustrate his points: The Outlaw that had tamed a Doq 'ej wovbe (a Klingon Bear), as well as the story of the Majalans and their first servant. Oh well, Klarth knew the best way to win a fight was to avoid it altogether.

Klarth saw the tension in the Captain's face. What was it that made her so upset about a new Flight Control Officer? Normally another senior staff member would be a good thing. Klarth made a mental note to ask Elle about it and see if they could figure it out. Maybe she had been close to a Flight Control Officer in the past and hadn't wanted another since then? Well if he couldn't figure it out, he'd have to ask the Captain about it directly.

"Oh you're a Betazoid," said Klarth to Risa. "I saw the creature poking out and I thought for a second you were an Altarian marsupial."

The presence of another telepath wasn't something to be concerned about. That's what Rayek told himself. Still he checked his mental barriers, to be certain he could control what she read from him. He smirked at the doctor's remark about the Altarian marsupial. It drew his attention towards the rodent the woman was struggling to keep out of sight. A ferret by the looks of it.

The furred creature reminded him of the albino Cardassian ferret that he and Tess were raising. They had named the kit, Thrafv. The ferret had been initially purchased as an investment to keep Katra Station clear of Cardassian voles, but without him their to continue it's training, he was rather certain it would end up being little more than a family pet.

Then Klarth addressed the room and said, "I remember Crewman Shorn, Commander Arkyn and I found her in the Control Room of Gabriel Station. She had hidden while everyone else in the control room was being slaughtered. She had been very scared, maybe she has PTSD and is hiding again? You don't think she's some sort of spy? If she was more than she seemed it was a very good act."

Ull nodded to Klarth. "Something with any of our recent activities may have triggered her into an episode. I will have security teams search for her and approach her with caution, and bring her to you Doc, if she is hiding." Ull then hits his comm badge. "I need security teams on the search for Crewman Shelly Shorn. She may be in hiding where the ship's computer can't pick her up."

Ull then looks over to Sheppard. "Can you look into the ventilation systems? See if any of them are reporting less output than they should."

Alia spoke up, "I can help with that. My team is going to have to dig into things anyway, they can do this as well."

Sheppard nods his agreement.

With Security teams now searching and even the Betazoid's offer to search for the missing woman telepathically, there was really no reason for Rayek to get any more involved. But Dr. Klarth's questioning ramble about the woman possibly being a spy, now had the Romulan's paranoid attention.

Rayek looked to Arkyn "You say you had the dossiers of all the Gabriel crew. Might I take a look? Perhaps there is a hint in there as to where she might be hiding."

"I think she liked quiet places with less crew people. She always seemed to 'pop out of the woodwork' as it was. Her work was always amazing. At least that is what I heard."

Rayek nodded to H'orri in appreciation for her offered insight. He looked to Elle. "Can you please display for us the ship's deck schematics including all interdeck jeffries tubes and shade out all those areas you can confirm that she is not located in? In addition, can you tell us where you last have record of her being?"

"All right," Devin stated as she stood, "It seems Shorn is our principal priority at the moment. Her disappearance is a cause for concern, if anything she might be hurt or traumatized. We seem to have some avenues to explore regarding her disappearance so let's be about it. But bear in mind also what we talked about in regards to the expanded crew's needs; the sooner we house and integrate them the better, because the longer the Gabriel Station personnel are left idle the more I fear it becomes 'us' and 'them'. Commander," Devin nodded at Risa, "Walk with me."

And with that Devin departed from the mess...and from the lounge...


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