Into The Void

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Start Date Thu Jan 1st, 1970 @ 1:00am

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Title Timeline Location
what is reality anyway pt 2
by Captain Linda Wilson & Lieutenant Commander R'elle & Commander Sandy "Phantom" Risa & Commander Qillin Wren & Lieutenant Commander T’Prith & Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell & Lieutenant Reeza Cuyu & Ensign Ryan Mackenzie & Crewman Doria & Crewman Tetayn Wren
Star-Crossed Voyagers
by Lieutenant Reeza Cuyu & Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell & Crewman Doria & Lieutenant Kit Murrow
The Hesperat Soufflé Incident
by Lieutenant Reeza Cuyu & Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell & Ensign Ryan Mackenzie
post Star-Crossed Voyagers Cuyu Quarters
Reality? What is Reality Anyway
by Captain Linda Wilson & Commander Sandy "Phantom" Risa & Commander Qillin Wren & Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell & Lieutenant Commander Yadira Risen & Lieutenant Reeza Cuyu & Ensign Ryan Mackenzie & Crewman Tetayn Wren & Lieutenant Commander Klarth & Lieutenant Kit Murrow
Day 17? USS Lionheart - Various
A Worrisome Thing
by Captain Linda Wilson & Commander Sandy "Phantom" Risa
Right after Staff Meeting Captain's Ready Room
The private after party
by Lieutenant Commander R'elle & Commander Sandy "Phantom" Risa
During the christmas party R'elle's quarters
The Ensigns of Repair...
by Captain Linda Wilson & Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell & Lieutenant Commander Klarth & Lieutenant Reeza Cuyu & Crewman Doria
After Preparation for Departure. DAY 9 Cargo Bay
What Light.... part 2
by Lieutenant JG S'Lace & Lieutenant Commander Klarth
Immediately following Shorn's attack Sickbay
Preparation for Departure
by Lieutenant Commander Klarth & Captain Linda Wilson & Commander Sandy "Phantom" Risa & Lieutenant Commander Yadira Risen & Lieutenant Brandy "Raven" Davies & Lieutenant JG T'Sarn
After the staff meeting Captain's ready room, Engineering & Bridge
Senior Staff Meeting
by Lieutenant Commander Klarth & Captain Linda Wilson & Commander Sandy "Phantom" Risa & Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell & Lieutenant Commander Yadira Risen & Lieutenant Brandy "Raven" Davies
The day after the captain's arrival Conference Room One
Meeting with my team
by Lieutenant Commander Yadira Risen & Lieutenant Commander Klarth & Lieutenant JG Suri Shadai
Current Lionheart Main Engineering
Building up a team part 2
by Lieutenant Commander R'elle & Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell & Lieutenant Commander Klarth
after the christmas party Holodeck
What Light Through Yonder Crewman Breaks?
by Lieutenant JG S'Lace & Lieutenant Commander Klarth & Ship Elle
During Assassin's Among Us (briefing attack) Sickbay
Grumpy Rayek Goes to Counseling
by Lieutenant Commander R'elle & Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell
After briefing Counselor's Office
Dr. Klarth, I presume
by Lieutenant Commander Klarth & Captain Linda Wilson
Before the Staff Meeting Sickbay
'Tis the Season
by Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell & Commander Sandy "Phantom" Risa & Lieutenant Commander Klarth & Lieutenant Commander R'elle
2 days before arrival of new staff The Lounge
Building up a Team
by Lieutenant Commander R'elle & Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell & Lieutenant Commander Klarth
Short time after Xmas party Holodeck
Sorting out Rayek
by Captain Linda Wilson & Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell
before the staff meeting Captain's ready room
the captain and Elle
by Lieutenant Commander Klarth & Captain Linda Wilson
after ther whole thing with the Vedala Captains quarters
New Beginnings
by Commander Sandy "Phantom" Risa & Lieutenant Brandy "Raven" Davies & Captain Linda Wilson & Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell & Lieutenant Commander Brendan Dernah MS & Lieutenant Commander Klarth & Lieutenant Commander R'elle
shortly after Shorn was arrested The Bridge
The final battle
by Lieutenant Commander R'elle
current engineering
Assassin Among Us
by Lieutenant JG H'orri Of the Red Fur & Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell
Shorn's Savagery
by Captain Devin Hadenbeer & Ship Elle & Lieutenant Commander Ull Arkyn & Lieutenant Commander R'elle & Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell & Lieutenant JG H'orri Of the Red Fur
Conference room
Shorn Search
by Captain Devin Hadenbeer & Lieutenant JG S'Lace & Ship Elle & Lieutenant Commander Ull Arkyn & Lieutenant Commander R'elle & Lieutenant Commander Rayek trLhoell & Lieutenant Commander Klarth & Lieutenant JG H'orri Of the Red Fur
Conference room
The Rise of Risa
by Captain Devin Hadenbeer & Commander Sandy "Phantom" Risa
ready room

Mission Summary